Category Archives: Plants & Seeds

Pumpkin Seeds – Amazonka

The perfect choice if you have limited space, producing bright orange, flattened spherical fruits which are ideal for roasting or soup-making and store well too.

Lettuce Seeds – All The Year Round

Traditional favourite with crisp, compact white hearts. Butterhead variety. Quick and easy lettuces are many peoples first veggie crop. Try mixing red and green lettuce leaves to add a note of bitterness to salads, or try slicing up little gem lettuces and sautéing with peas and garlic for an alternative homegrown lunch.  

Parsnip Seeds – F1 Albion

An improved smooth-skinned hybrid, producing long, firm, tapering roots of superb flavour and texture. Bred for resistance to the very latest strains of disease, including canker, and therefore, ideal for organic growing. An essential part of your Sunday roast! RHS Award of Garden Merit winner.

Leek Seeds – Lyon – Prizetaker

Long, thick, pure white stems of mild flavour. Excellent for exhibition if sown in January under glass.

Pak Choi Seeds – F1 Hanakan

Compact, slow bolting plants with round smooth leaves and thick pure white stalks.

Herb Seed – Sorrel

Perennial, with a sharp refreshing taste. Can be cooked in the same way as spinach, or used in soups and salads.

Rocket Seeds

Tasty, tangy leaves to pick as required. Ideal for salads or cooking, it can be harvested all summer. Fast maturing – cut and come again. To keep leaves tender, water frequently when in full growth. Sow small batches fortnightly in succession.

Onion Seeds – Paris Silverskin

Paris Silverskin is a tasty onion that’s excellent for salads or pickling. Easy to grow, there’s no thinning required.

Paeonia ITOH ‘Scarlet Heaven’

Itoh Peonies are rare and unusual hybrids between Garden Peonies and Tree Peonies. There are several varieties, all highly sought after by collectors, yet easy to grow and very hardy. This selection forms a tall, upright bush of lush green leaves that stand up well into the autumn. Flowers May-June. Height 70-80cm. Supplied in a

Shallot Bulbs – Griselle

A robust spicy taste that will not disappoint! Best planted October to mid December, it multiplies well to give a good crop of long, grey-skinned bulbs in June. Use green or dried for storage well into winter.

Tomato Seeds – Tumbling Tom Red

Combines a habit that makes it perfect for growing in patio containers and hanging baskets, with a taste that is simply the best! The cherry-sized orange/red fruit are produced in profusion throughout summer. (Bush variety – very easy to grow as trusses do not require support and fruits without side shoots being removed.) Tom says:

Herb Seed – Lemon Coriander

Unusual lemon fragrance and flavour, delicious as a garnish in salads, or used in stir-fries. Easy to grow over a long season, it can even be grown in a pot on the windowsill.

Tomato Seeds – Alicante

A popular tomato, maturing early and producing an excellent crop of medium sized fleshy fruits of fine flavour. Succeeds well in soil or grow bags. Resistant to greenback. For cultivation under glass or outdoors. (Cordon variety – one stem grown by pinching off side-shoots as they appear, needs staking and tying in.)

Herb Seed – Chives

Perennial clumps of onion-flavoured, tender, spear-like green leaves. Delicious in all egg, potato and cheese dishes, in salads, and sprinkled over soups and potatoes.

Herb Seeds – Basil Lime Mrs Burns

Lime scented green leaves that can be used in cooking, eaten raw or alternatively used to make a delicious herbal tea.

Herb Seed – Coriander

A feathery annual, with clusters of spicy seeds and used in curries and casseroles, and may be ground over lamb and pork.

Onion (Salad) Seeds – North Holland Blood Red Redmate

A dual purpose salad onion especially recommended to add colour to the salad bowl. No thinning required. Will also produce mild flavoured bulbs if thinned to 7.5cm (3") between plants. 10 weeks maturity.

Pepper Sweet Seeds – F1 Gypsy

Early, and produces a good crop of slightly tapered sweet peppers, yellowish-green ripening to deep red. Grow in a cold or slightly heated greenhouse. Resistant to Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV). Great beginner variety.

Herb Seed – Basil Sweet

Annual with larger leaves than Bush Basil. A widely used herb, especially in cooked tomato dishes.

Lettuce Seeds – Winter Density

A dwarf, compact lettuce with crisp, succulent, dark green hearts. Very popular for autumn sowing; can also be sown outdoors in spring and early summer. RHS Award of Garden Merit winner. Tom says: Quick and easy lettuces are many peoples first veggie crop. Try mixing red and green lettuce leaves to add a note of bitterness