Category Archives: Plants & Seeds

Fatsia japonica Plant – Spider’s Web

Huge evergreen leaves patterned with a spiders web effect. Great for contrast or as a standalone feature. Provides interest all year round, is easy to grow, and very fashionable. Both the leaves and white, ball-shaped flowers are ideal for cut flower arrangements. Flowers September-October. Height 2-2.5m (6’6”- 8’2”). Supplied in a 3 litre pot.

Gage Tree – Reine Claude Doree

Deliciously sweet! A beautiful gage, the fruits are larger than typical green gages and ripen to golden green. The flesh has a honey sweetness that is best straight from the tree. For planting and growing advice read our gage-and-plum-trees-growing-guide.  

Apple & Pear Tree Duo

Apple & Pear Tree Duo Collection includes 1 or 2 of each of the following: Apple Santana: A hypoallergenic apple that can be eaten by 75% of people with apple allergies! Good yields of eating apples. Good resistance to apple scab and awarded an RHS Award of Garden Merit. Not self-fertile so needs another variety

Citrus Tree – Limequat

Citrus Tree – Limequat Grow this unique lime/ kumquat crossover in your garden! This unusual citrus is a cross between a key lime and a kumquat. It makes a beautiful conservatory or patio plant, with superbly scented flowers and small edible green fruit, which are rich in vitamin C. It has sweet-tasting skin and bittersweet,

Cherry Tree – Duo Napoleon Bigarreau/Variks Black

Duo cherry tree has been grafted with these two lovely cherries and both varieties crop late July-early August: Napoleon Bigarreau – Large yellow fruits with deep red flush. Variks Black – A sweet, dark-skinned cherry. Given that cherries are such a well-loved fruit, it’s surprising that they are not more widely grown in our gardens. Grown

Trachelospermum jas. Yellow Wings

Trachelospermum Jas – Yellow Wings ‘Yellow Wings’ is an elegant and beautiful evergreen climber that boasts creamy star-shaped flowers that mature to a soft shade of yellow cream throughout the warm summer months. The glossy, dark green foliage acts as a dramatic backdrop for its show-stopping blooms which infuse the air with a wonderful, sweet

Trachelospermum jas. White Wings

Trachelospermum jasminoides, is a woody, evergreen climber with dark green leaves turning bronze in winter. From the middle to late summer pure white, scented flowers are produced, grow against a wall in milder climates or in a greenhouse or conservatory in areas where you may have severe frosts. Height & Spread: 301cm +

Yucca filamentosa Plant – Color Guard

Color Guard is known for his rosettes of spiky, strap-like leaves with gold centres, which are often flushed with pink in cold weather. The foliage is also covered in hundreds of curly white hairs, which can be shaved off if the lack of grooming bothers you. In summer Color Guard will often, but not always,

Weigela All Summer Peach

Forget traditional varieties that flower for four weeks of the year, this gorgeous peach Weigela will flower for most of the summer. With unusual peachy-pink flowers, this compact little number is perfect for those of you looking for a front of border shrub or something unusual for your patio containers. Brand new on the market

Syringa Plant – Tinkerbelle®

Wine-coloured buds open to sweetly fragrant, single, pale pink flowers with dark green leaves. Rounded, upright and non-suckering. Flowers May-June. Height 101-150cm. Supplied in a 3 litre pot.

Jasminum officinale Plant

The twining stems of the common Jasmine are absolutely perfect for quickly covering an unsightly wall or outbuilding with its dense green foliage. This well -known climber is ideal for growing over a pergola or large obelisk. Jasmine officinale also boasts an abundance of dainty, white, star shaped flowers that give off the famed scent.

Rhododendron Plant – Nova Zembla

An evergreen hybrid rhododendron with dark green foliage. Nice upright habit. Produces large deep red flowers with wonderful spotting that fades to pink if grown in strong sun. Flowers April-May. Height 150-175cm. Supplied in a 4 litre pot.

Rhododendron (AJ) Plant – Hino Crimson

An evergreen azalea with a spreading growth habit. The leaves are small and mid green in colour, the flowers are a beautiful bright crimson red. Flowers April-May. Height 90-100cm. Supplied in a 2 litre pot.

Pieris jap. Plant – Polar Passion

One of the newest varieties on the market combining eye-catching variegated foliage that has impressive red new spring growth and the larger than normal branches of flowers providing many, many months of interest, March-May. Height 50-60cm, spread 50-60cm. Supplied in a 2 litre pot.

Hydrangea macrophylla Plant – Lanarth White

Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Lanarth White’ is a large deciduous shrub producing lacecap flowers from mid summer into autumn. The pale flowerheads are a deeper colour when in bud. In alkaline soil the flowers take on a pink tinge, while in acidic soil they will be blue. Protect from cold, drying winds. Prune hard in spring to

Escallonia laevis Plant – Pink Elle

The huge flowers of this hardy, evergreen variety really make it stand out. The leaves are dark glossy green and the flowers, which almost smother the plant during the summer, are soft pink with dark pink outer edges produced in larger clusters. Sometimes in autumn, it can have a second smaller flush of flowers but

Deutzia ‘Raspberry Sundae’®

It’s hard to contain your excitement when you see the beauty that is Deutzia Raspberry Sundae. This plant is indeed sundae-like, with its large clusters of two-toned pink and white flowers bejewelling its compact habit from mid-spring to mid-summer. Its scent is just as sweet too, attracting a whole host of pollinators to enjoy its

Acer Shirasawanum Jordan

When the leaves emerge in spring they take on a light orange colour before turning bright yellow as the season progresses. A compact and bushy form, it will help brighten up an area in the garden or on the patio. In early autumn, the leaves often turn a glorious red colour. Height 150-200cm. Supplied in

Acer Palmatum Plant – Peve Dave

A compact bush with beautiful dark red lobed leaves. It has lovely red autumn colour. Height 91-100cm. HP – Hardy perennial. Supplied as 30-40cm plant in a 3 litre pot.

Grafted Tomato Plant – Gardener’s Delight

Tomato Grafted Plants – Gardener?s Delight The bite-sized tomatoes packed full of flavour. The Gardener?s Delight grafted tomato plant will produce bite-sized fruits packed with a deliciously rich, sweet flavour. This cordon variety is particularly favoured for its heavy crops are borne on long trusses therefore, it comes to no surprise that?s its been voted