Category Archives: Plants & Seeds

Cucumber Baby Rocky

Large numbers of fruit, 8-10cm (3-4) long, borne in compact multiple clusters close to the main stem, with little side branching. Can also be grown outdoors on a warm sunny patio. The crisp, nutritious fruits are ideal for children’s lunch boxes. Easy to grow and specially bred to provide one for a meal these varieties

Crocus Bicolour Mix

This special collection of spring-flowering Crocus heralds the arrival of a new season with striking two-tone colours and elegant goblet-shaped blooms. These unusual varieties would be hard to find in your local garden centre and make a fascinating addition to lawns, borders and patio pots. Hardy and easy to grow, try scattering handfuls of Crocus

Dianthus – Pinks Gran’s Favourite

Dianthus – Pinks Gran’s Favourite This popular RHS Award of Garden Merit holder is loved for its white blooms with raspberry picotee edges. The clove-scented flowers of Dianthus ‘Pink Gran’s Favourite’ grow in masses above a carpet of silvery green foliage. With such a prolific flowering period there will be plenty of blooms enjoy in

Hemerocallis Strawberry Candy

Hemerocallis Strawberry Candy Glorious coral pink blooms with strawberry red centres are held above dense, close clumps of strap-like foliage from early summer. ‘Strawberry Candy’ is a fantastic re-blooming variety that begins flowering early in the season and develops more rounds of blooms throughout the summer. Like most Daylilies, the individual and unique flowers are

Asparagus Crowns – Guelph Millennium

Asparagus Crowns – Guelph Millennium Crops of delicious asparagus tips for the fraction of the supermarket price! The asparagus ?Guelph Millennium? is a late-season variety, bred in Canada. This asparagus plant is at its best in the UK during the month of June. Now considered to be the best late-season cultivar, it’s an All-Male hybrid,

Tulip Flaming Parrot

Tulip Flaming Parrot A well-known parrot-type tulip boasting vibrant yellow blooms with scarlet red flames, that slowly open out to form a large bowl-shaped bloom, unraveling the purple-black anthers within. Each petal has a fringed edge, giving a ruffled effect that adds to the flame-like appearance! Ideal for hot-themed beds, borders and patio pots, grow

Hydrangea macrophylla Plant – Blaue Donau (Blue Danube)

The Hydrangea Macrophylla Blue Danube) is one of the easiest shrubs to grow. A hardy deciduous mophead variety that will do equally well in all soils and sun or shade! The flowers are large and will be deep blue on acid soil and pink on alkaline soils. The growth is neat and compact and the

Crassula Ovata 12cm Pot x 1

Crassula Ovata Also known as ‘Jade Plant’ or ‘Money Plant’! Crassula Ovata well-known as the Jade plant or Money plant and is an easy-to-care and low maintenance house plant. It has glossy, fleshy leaves and thrives in a full sun position. However, it can also grow in a shady corner and the foliage will darken.

Grey Oyster Mushroom Book Spawn 50g

Grey Oyster Mushroom – Book Spawn Grow on a book! Oyster mushrooms are by far the easiest to grow of all the edible fungi. These exotic mushrooms, with their delicate coral-like frills, are as delicious as they are beautiful, and they really do require minimal attention, making them the perfect rookie’s introduction to "Fungiculture". They

Euphorbia Acruensis Cactus 17cm Pot x 1

The Desert Candle Cactus is actually a misleading name as it is succulent! A beautiful one all be it where its native homeland of Africa it can grow reaching tree-like proportions! No need to panic that a tree might grow in your house though as the growth can be restricted by its pot size. As

Wisteria floribunda Plant – Rosea (syn. Honbeni)

A showy Japanese Wisteria, Rosea produces beautiful elegant racemes of pale pink flowers that can measure up to 18 long. This stunning climber with its scented flowers will put on a wonderful display. Flowers May-June. Height 301cm+. Supplied in a 2 litre pot.

Fern Dryopteris Affinis 17cm Pot x 1

Fern Dryopteris Affinis An exquisite focal point & thrives in kitchens and bathrooms! The Golden Shield Fern is a stunning showcase plant and is bound to be the focal point of any room you put it in. in the right conditions it can grow up to 1m, the foliage will begin with a yellow-green tone

Dracaena (Dragon Tree) fragrans 17cm Pot x 1

Dracaena fragrans is a stunning plant and ideal for any home. Long, dark green leaves cloak the thick, upright stem forming a superb, upright shrub over time. Dragon Trees are relatively undemanding and easy to grow. Perfect for brightly lit rooms but can even cope well in shaded conditions. Dracaena are particularly useful house plants

Calatheas Zebrina 12cm Pot x 1

Grown for its lavish velvety foliage, Calathea zebrina makes a luxuriant, exotic focal point in any spot around the house. This tropical perennial bears its stunningly, variegated foliage on upright, softly arching stems. The leaves have a deep purple underside which creates a stunning contrast of colour. Calathea zebrina will grow well in a warm,

Dahlia ‘Cactus Collection’

Each of the four varieties in this vibrant dahlia collection have been selected for their striking colours, large fully-double blooms and garden performance. Cut flower gardeners will appreciate the tall sturdy stems and repeat flowering ability of these easy to grow dahlia plants. Lasting for many years this is the perfect collection for filling borders

Choisya ternata Plant – Apple Blossom

Choisya Apple Blossom offers unique bicoloured flowers of pink and white. This compact evergreen shrub has much finer palmate leaves than most others as well providing a more delicate appearance and adding interest all year round. Flowers April-May & August-September. Height 1-1.5m (3’3-5′); spread 50-60cm (20-24). Supplied in a 3 litre pot. For guaranteed impact

Hemerocallis Collection

Hemerocallis Collection The Hemerocallis Collection contains a selection of beautiful re-blooming hemerocallis varieties! Flowering early in the season this collection will produce further flushes throughout the summer. Hemerocallis plants are reliable hardy perennials that are undemanding and easy to grow! Perfect for adding colour and with their picotee edged frills, add texture to summer borders.

Asparagus Plant – Gijnlim

A consistent top performer in recent trials, out-yielding others by up to 25%. It’s early too, giving the first succulent tasty spears in mid to late April and continuing to crop heavily until mid June. It is an ‘all male’ hybrid, forming no seeds which means all its energies go into spear production. Height 100-150cm

Hosta Collection

Hosta Collection Produces stunning decorative foliage! Hostas are instantly recognisable for their large, rounded leaves. These three varieties are particularly showy, forming dense clumps of colourful foliage. They grow in a range of stunning greens which over time they will spread to create weed-smothering ground cover. These hardy perennials thrive in lightly shaded areas of

Spring Flowering Bulb Bonanza Collection

Spring Flowering Bulb Bonanza Collection Bring your garden to life with this fantastic collection of spring-flowering bulbs. We’ve put together a cheerful mix of much-loved varieties that will bring colour from February through to May wherever it grows. Ideal for planting in dense groups through the front of borders, or placing around the rockery. Why