Category Archives: Plants & Seeds

Sweet Corn Seeds – F1 Swift

An early maturing, extra tender sweet corn with a high sugar content that gives a deliciously sweet flavour. It has a dwarf habit and improved performance in cold soils. Eat raw or cooked. RHS Award of Garden Merit winner. SUPERSWEET VARIETY – Has 2-3 times the sugar levels of ordinary sweet corns. Careful sowing in

Whitecurrant Plant – Blanka

In trials this whitecurrant was by far the highest yielding (yet is ideal for small gardens) providing up to 2kg (4½ lb) of fruit per plant in a season. The large, flavoursome berries are produced on long strigs late July-August, and are delicious fresh or frozen. Highly recommended. Grown from certified stock and supplied as

Pea Sugar Snap Seeds – Delikett

With a very sweet flavour, this round podded mangetout type pea will add a delicious flavour to your dinner plate. RHS Award of Garden Merit winner. Height 75cm (30").

Sweet Pea Seeds – Old Fashioned Scented Mix

A great mix of small-flowered, strongly scented varieties, which were the forbears of our modern varieties. Height 1.8m (6′). Medium scent (scent 2). HA – Hardy annual.

Sweet Pea Seeds – Noel Sutton

An award winning traditional sweet pea variety that still takes some beating. These sweet pea seeds produce large rich blue flowers on long, firm stems. Scent 3. RHS Award of Garden Merit winner.

Horseradish Thongs (Roots)

An easily grown traditional vegetable. Make your own delicious freshly grated home-made horseradish sauce – the perfect accompaniment to roast beef!

Bean (Runner) Seeds – Prizewinner

Good crop of medium length pods of fine flavour.

Onion Seeds – Senshyu Semi-Globe Yellow

Good crop of round, straw-coloured bulbs by early July. Japanese bulb onion variety.

Onion Seeds – Bedfordshire Champion

Globe-shaped maincrop for spring sowing. A solid onion which keeps well. Bulb onion variety.

Bean (Runner) Seeds – Enorma

Short-jointed plants producing an enormous crop of very long, smooth, slender beans of excellent shape and colour. Great beginner variety. RHS Award of Garden Merit winner.

Pea Seeds – Kelvedon Wonder

Thin-shelled pointed, narrow pods in pairs. Heavy yielding, and of fine flavour, it is also resistant to mildew and suitable for June-July sowing. RHS Award of Garden Merit winner. Height 45cm (18"). Early Variety. Heritage Seed Variety, 1938 packet details – An early dwarf-cropping Pea with dark green pods. A big cropper. Height about 1½

Okra Seeds – Clemsons Spineless

Delicious, pointed, slightly ribbed, dark green pods. Easy to grow – why not give them a try!

Cauliflower Seeds – All The Year Round

White, well-protected large curds, popular for summer shows, for freezing, and straight from the garden. Summer/Autumn maturing. ‘FOURFOLD’ PACKET also available.

Cabbage Plants – Pointed Continuity Duo Pack

Cabbage Plants – Pointed Continuity Duo Pack The staple vegetable, ideal for spring greens or hearts! The superb Pointed Continuity Duo Pack is as delicious as it is attractive. The Duo Pack includes two first class, deliciously flavoured cabbages comprising of 22 plants. Selected for use as a spring green leaf or allowed to heart

Broccoli Plants – Calabrese Continuity Collection

We have put together three outstanding varieties to ensure continuous cropping.

Herb Seed – Collection

Collection contains the following varieties: Dill – For fish and salad dishes (sow March-May); Sage – For duck, veal or pork dishes (sow mid February-May); Sweet Basil – For tomato and cheese dishes (mid February-mid June); Marjoram, Sweet – For soups, meat and fish dishes (sow March-May); Thyme – For fish, poultry dishes, soups and stews

Tomato Seeds – Tumbling Tom Red

Combines a habit that makes it perfect for growing in patio containers and hanging baskets, with a taste that is simply the best! The cherry-sized orange/red fruit are produced in profusion throughout summer. (Bush variety – very easy to grow as trusses do not require support and fruits without side shoots being removed.) Tom says:

Herb Seed – Lemon Coriander

Unusual lemon fragrance and flavour, delicious as a garnish in salads, or used in stir-fries. Easy to grow over a long season, it can even be grown in a pot on the windowsill.

Tomato Seeds – Alicante

A popular tomato, maturing early and producing an excellent crop of medium sized fleshy fruits of fine flavour. Succeeds well in soil or grow bags. Resistant to greenback. For cultivation under glass or outdoors. (Cordon variety – one stem grown by pinching off side-shoots as they appear, needs staking and tying in.)

Herb Seed – Chives

Perennial clumps of onion-flavoured, tender, spear-like green leaves. Delicious in all egg, potato and cheese dishes, in salads, and sprinkled over soups and potatoes.