Category Archives: Plants & Seeds

Leek Seeds – Musselburgh

An extremely winter hardy variety. Good length, tasty white stems. A milder flavour substitute for onions in many culinary dishes. Thick, white, tasty stems Extremely winter hardy Traditionally popular variety Heritage Seed Variety, 1919 packet details – Greatly improved stock of Musselburgh leek, far superior to the ordinary strain. Highly Commended, Royal Horticultural Society, 1918.

Pea Seeds – Hurst Greenshaft

Medium green pointed pods in pairs, each containing 9-11 peas. Resistant to downy mildew and Fusarium Wilt; recommended for exhibition. RHS Award of Garden Merit winner. Second-Early/Maincrop Variety. Height 75cm (30").  

Kale Plants – Redbor

Kale Plants – Mixed Collection Delicious and nutritious – Bred in Britain for the british climate! Our mixed collection of Kale plants will provide you with delicious, nutritious "leafy" pickings from late autumn to early winter. The plants are extremely reliable and will withstand the most adverse weather conditions. Collection contains 21 plants (a mix

Citrus Plant – Kaffir Lime

Origin: Asia.Tastes like: Lime. The cornerstone of oriental cooking. Just wait until you taste the difference between shop bought leaves and those you’ve picked fresh from your own tree. Supplied in 3 litre pot.

Rose Plant – Super Trouper

Super Trouper Novelty Rose of the Year 2010! Super Trouper is a repeat flowering compact floribunda rose. Fruity mandarin orange blooms contrast with glossy green foliage. Flowers through summer and is a compact floribunda variety with a delicate fragrance. Vibrant blooms that are well-formed and freely borne on a neat bushy rose plant of medium

Oxalis Bulbs – versicolor

Mat-forming perennials with hairy leaves and funnel-shaped flowers in late summer and early autumn. The varieties we’ve chosen will provide a range of different coloured flowers. versicolor – White flowers with crimson margins. HH – Half-hardy – ideal for a greenhouse or, in very mild areas, a sheltered spot outside. Flowers August-December. Height 8cm. Bulb

Tomato Seeds – F1 Fantasio

A superbly flavoured tomato, bearing a prolific crop of medium/large fruit, each up to 200g (½ lb) in weight. Shows tolerance to tomato blight. For cultivation under glass or outdoors.

Tomato Seeds – Ailsa Craig

Ailsa Craig is a traditional favourite, producing medium-sized tomatoes of good flavour. Suitable for cultivation under glass or outdoors. (Cordon variety – one stem grown by pinching off side-shoots as they appear, needs staking and tying in.)

Strawberry Seeds – Regina

A first-class strawberry producing healthy foliage and masses of sweet-tasting fruit that are particularly large for an alpine type. Just add cream for a mouth-watering summer dessert! Easily grown, prolific and delicious.

Eryngium alpinum Seeds – Blue Ice

Striking, spiky, violet-blue textural looking plant that hones in butterflies, bees and small birds into your garden. Lovely vibrant colour that adds zing to your borders & pots throughout the summer into autumn. Leave the flower stems on throughout the winter where possible, this will give you interest in the winter months especially when the frost

Felicia Seeds – Pretty Blue

Blue daisies! Pretty daisy-like sky blue blooms, covering deep green foliage throughout the summer until the first frosts! A stand out summer bedding performer with good drought tolerance and excellent flower power, its no wonder Felicia is making a come back. Flowers June-September. Height 20-30cm (8-12"). HA – Hardy annual.    

Iris reticulata Bulbs – Harmony

A superb miniature iris having velvety blue petals with yellow and white crest. Ideal for pot or border. Flowers February-March. Height 10-15cm. Bulb size 5/7cm. (Bulb sizes quoted in centimetres refer to the circumference of bulbs. All bulbs are sourced from cultivated stocks.)

Pumpkin Seeds – Hundredweight

A superb pumpkin that produces enormous yellow/orange-skinned fruits – great for competitions, but also delicious to eat! The yellow flesh gives colour in salads or pickles and the leaves can be cooked like spinach. Great beginner variety.

Parsnip Seeds – F1 Gladiator

The long tapering, wedge shaped roots with smooth white skin, have considerable canker resistance. Highly recommended for both the table and exhibition use. An essential part of your Sunday roast! RHS Award of Garden Merit winner. Great beginner variety.

Onion Seeds – F1 Santero

A superb early maincrop onion with excellent resistance to Downy Mildew. Produces a heavy crop of delicious copper-brown, round-oval bulbs. Shows good resistance to bolting and stores well too.

Onion Seeds – F1 Kamal

A first-class, deliciously flavoured onion with a good strong red colour, both inside and out. The bulbs are a very uniform round to globe shape, with thin necks, show good tolerance to mildew, and store well.

Speedy Veg Seed – Leaf Salad Spicy Mix

For salads with a spicy twist, choose this mix of Rocket, Red Giant Mustard, Green Wave Mustard and Mizuna Kyoto. Ready to eat in just 3 weeks. Why buy salad leaves from the supermarket when you can grow them easily at home? And you can get up to 3 crops from the same sowing! Ideal

Tomato Seeds – Red Alert

One of the earliest fruiting tomatoes and a popular outdoor bush variety. Ideal for border or container growing and requires no support. The sweet, tasty fruit should be ready to pick just three months after sowing! (Bush variety – very easy to grow as trusses do not require support and fruits without side shoots being

Leek Seeds – Blue Green Autumn Neptune

An impressive leek producing flavoursome white stems that are ready to harvest from November to January. Shows good winter hardiness and resistance to rust.

Bean (Broad) Plants – Aquadulce Claudia

Bean (Broad) Plants – Aquadulce Claudia The delicious customer favourite! The Aquadulce Claudia is a gardeners favourite broad bean. The best broad bean for autumn sowing, you will yield handfuls of early, heavy crops of long pods filled with delicious sweet and tender beans. Height:100cm (39")& spread: 45cm (18"). RHS Award of Garden Merit.