Category Archives: Plants & Seeds

Alfalfa Sprouting Seeds

Sweet shoots with a pea-like taste. Nutritious sprouting seeds. Ready to eat in just one week. These super quick crops are packed full of surprising and intriguing flavours that will enthral your taste buds. As well as being loaded with flavour, these little guys are packed full of nutrients to give you a daily vitamin

Swan River Daisy Seeds – Bravo Mix

Compact plants smothered in flowers over a long period. Colourful in baskets or containers or as an edging for bedding schemes! Easy to grow, colourful daisies from South Africa. Flowers June-September. Height 20-25cm (8-10"). HHA/HA – Half-hardy annual/Hardy annual. Can be sown direct Long flowering period Easy to grow  

Poppy Californian Seeds – Vivid Mix

A vibrant mixture. Pretty ferny foliage, and brightly coloured flowers with delicate petals that flutter in summer breezes. Flowers mid June-September. HA – Hardy annual. Height 30cm (12").  

Night Phlox Seeds

Delicate-looking white flowers are produced in profusion above lance-shaped leaves. Extremely attractive to bees, butterflies and other beneficial insects, they’re perfect for a border or container near the house, where you can fully appreciate the honey-like fragrance. Flowers July-September. Height 30-35cm (12-14"). HA – Hardy annual. Commonly known as ‘Midnight Candy’ because of the sweet

Phlox drummondii Seeds – Delight Mix

Large, stunning blooms in a popular mixture over a long period. Attractive to butterflies. Flowers mid June-September.  Height 20cm (8").  

Peruvian Lily Seeds – High Society Mix

Clusters of pink, rose, yellow and orange flowers on long stems. Good in arrangements. Exotic, trumpet-like blooms. FlowersJune-August. HP – Hardy perennial. Height 60cm (2′). Please note: Plants may cause skin allergy.  

Morning Glory Seeds – Inkspots

An enchanting ipomoea of these popular, fast-growing climbers, producing a glorious display of large, trumpet-shaped blooms in a range of blue shades, overlaid with deep rose markings. An easy to grow climber reaching 2.4-3m (8-10′). Beautiful on a sunny wall, or in a cool greenhouse. Thrives in poor soils! Flowers July-September. HHA – Half-hardy annual.

Onion (Salad) Seeds – White Lisbon – Winter Hardy Seeds

Sow in September for us in the following spring. Very hardy. RHS Award of Garden Merit winner.

Blueberry Plant – Rubel

Rubel’s small, dark berries are perfect for pies, muffins and pancakes, but are too delicious to pass up fresh. You can’t find flavour like this in the supermarket! The strong-growing bushes, up to 1.8m (6′) tall, are cold hardy and a consistent provider. Foliage turns bright fire red in the autumn. Matures in early August.

Scabious Seeds – Pincushion Mix

Can be sown in September for flowers April-June the following year. Flowers in dense domed heads on long wiry stems. Simple, very attractive border plants and good for cutting. Flowers July-September. HA – Hardy annual. Height 90cm (3′).  

Anemone coronaria Bulbs – Mr Fokker

Wonderful true blue flowers with contrasting black stamens over low-growing, fern-like foliage. A great performer year after year. Flowers March-May. Height 31-40cm. Bulb size 5/6cm. (Bulb sizes quoted in centimetres refer to the circumference of bulbs. All bulbs are sourced from cultivated stocks.) Low growing fern-like foliage Vivid splashes of colour in the spring

Begonia Pink Champagne`

A fantastic medium sized begonia. A decorative foliage of heart-shaped silver and dark green colouring. Stems are a deep pink/red. Rex type. Flowers January-December. Height 21-30cm. TP – Tender perennial.Foliage houseplantAttractive colouringGrown for multi-coloured leaves

Begonia Plant – Little Brother Montgomery

An attractive tall begonia. The maple-shaped leaves have dark veins and edges which are covered in silver spots. The young leaves have a pink tinge. Cane type. Flowers January-December. Height 91-100cm. TP – Tender perennial.Foliage houseplantLeaves are maple-shapedIdeal for patio or border in summer months

Radish Seeds – Scarlet Globe

Quick-growing, bright scarlet roots with crisp, white flesh. One of the most popular outdoor varieties. RHS Award of Garden Merit winner. Summer Variety.

Trillium Plant – Erectum

Attractive dark mahogany-red flowers set off against plain green foliage. One of the quickest species to form a good clump. RHS Award of Garden Merit winner. Flowers in April. Height 30-38cm. Root size 1.    

Rhodochiton atrosanguineum Seeds

Beautiful bell-shaped blooms. Ideal against a wall or fence. Also looks good trailing from hanging baskets. A popular, fast-growing climber for the greenhouse or sunny, sheltered spot outdoors. RHS Award of Garden Merit winner. Height 180-240cm (6-8′). GP – Greenhouse perennial.

Portulaca Seeds – F1 Lazy Daze Mix

British-bred plants in a great mix of colours. Low-growing, succulent-leaved, drought-tolerant plants that make superb ground cover. Height 15-22cm (6-9"). HHA – Half hardy annual.

Marrow Seeds – F1 Tiger Cross

Tiger Cross is an early maturing type producing tasty courgettes or delicious marrows with attractive green, striped fruits of good length. Recommended for both table and exhibition purposes. Resistant to Cucumber Mosaic Virus. RHS Award of Garden Merit winner. Bush variety.

Hibiscus Seeds – Simply Love

Large creamy yellow blooms with attractive chocolate-maroon centres. Once grown, always desired! Height 80-90cm (30-36"). HHA – Half hardy annual.

Gomphrena Seeds – haageana Orange

Bushy plants bearing rich, fluorescent orange blooms. Easy-to-grow plants with strawflower-like blooms. Height 25cm (10"). HA – Hardy annual.