Category Archives: Plants & Seeds

Brussels Sprout Seeds – Brodie F1

Brussels Sprout Brodie F1 The ultimate Christmas sprout the whole family will love! Brussels sprouts Brodie is the top end supermarket choice and now you have the chance to grow this delicious vegetable for a fraction of the price! Harvesting from September to December, it’s the ideal addition to your winter crop. Buttons also stay

Herb Seeds – Coriander Confetti

A tasty, slow to bolt herb which can be grown as a cut-&-come-again leaf salad or a mature plant. Sow monthly for a continuous supply; crop into the winter with cloche protection.  

Begonia Bulbs – Cascading Fireball

This stunning new variety will create an amazing display on your patio from these fiery red, gold and bronze shades. Begonia Cascading ‘Fireball’ flowers are even more prolific than the ever popular variety ‘Apricot Shades’ producing an abundance of enormous blooms through summer until the first frosts. Perfect for an outstanding display in containers, window

Mizuna Seeds – Red Empire F1

Mizuna Red Empire F1 The ultimate cut and come again oriental salad leaf The Mizuna is one of the most popular and easy to grow of the oriental leaves. The variety Red Empire has striking dark red upper leaves with lime green undersides and stalks. Mizuna plants will grow through winter in a cold greenhouse,

Carrot Seeds – F1 Creampak

Attractive, creamy-skinned, tapering roots which are delicious and sweet raw. No need to peel – just rinse and eat! Also tasty cooked. Later sowings can be lifted and stored. 63 days from sowing to harvest (taken from our own trials and may vary in different areas). Comes out top in blind taste tests  

Pepper Sweet Seeds – Midas

A bright yellow snack sized pepper – a cross between a Jalapeno and a sweet pepper. It has a very mild almost undetectable heat and excellent flavour. Best of all it has retained the productivity of the Jalapeno. Tom says: A hugely productive pepper bred in the UK from a cross between a Jalapeno and a

Pepper Sweet Seeds – Sweetonia Mix

 Easy-to-grow mini sweet peppers with a sweet, spicy taste. Eat raw in salads or stir fry. Harvest July-October.

Pepper Chilli Seeds – Hot Thai

Originally from Thailand, this hot pepper makes a lovely impression in a patio container. These ornamental plants are decked out with up to 200 small fruits that ripen to fiery red. Can be used fresh or dried to make an excellent chilli powder. Rating 50,000-70,000 SHU (Rating measured in Scoville heat units – SHU. The

Pepper Chilli Seeds – Longhorn F1

Chilli Longhorn F1 Long curled spicy fruits hence the name Longhorn! The Longhorn is a long chilli (15-25cm) with a distinct ‘curl’ at the end. A cayenne variety, plants will yield copious amounts of spicy fruits. These chillies can withstand intense heat/sun without damage to the fruit. Seriously productive 100cm plants may need a little support

Seeds for Predators – Plain Leaved

An excellent flavoured parsley with plain foliage, as used extensively on the continent. Vigorous leaf growing. Recommended by the National Institute of Agricultural Botany. Harvest May-February. Height 30-40cm (12-16).

Sharon Fruit (Diospyros) Kaki Fuyu

Sharon Fruit (Diospyros) Kaki Fuyu Beautiful sweet fruits that will make a stunning addition to any garden! Originating from China but, increasingly available in the supermarkets, the orange-yellow fruits have a sweet flavour when fully ripe. The Sharon Fruit ?Fuyu? produces glossy, dark leaves that turn into beautiful shades of golden, orange and tinges of

Crab Apple Royalty

A particularly attractive tree, Crab Apple ‘Royalty’ is unmistakeable for its dark mahogany foliage that turns to scarlet in Autumn. The deep pink springtime apple blossom is followed by dark red fruits that make a fabulous crab apple jelly. Any unpicked fruits will soften after a few frosts to create a sumptuous food source for

Wildflower Mix Seeds – Patio Pots

Our Native British Wildflowers range has been developed from research conducted by Butterfly Conservation, BBKA, RSPB and the Woodland Trust. A specially developed, exclusive mix for patio pots and containers. A great way to get wildflowers into an urban garden, courtyard or balcony with over 20 species including marigold, poppy and yarrow. Flowers late August-September.

Butterfly Mix Seeds

Our Native British Wildflowers range has been developed from research conducted by Butterfly Conservation, BBKA, RSPB and the Woodland Trust. This butterfly mix contains over 30 native species of wildflower and includes many nectar-rich species. Attracts butterflies & other beneficial insects to the garden, it also includes caterpillar food plants. Suited to planting in domestic

Broccoli Seeds – F1 Bellaverde® Sibsey

Want to try something TASTY and DIFFERENT? Quick to cook with no waste? Go for the stem broccoli! You may well have bought this expensive broccoli in the supermarket, but it’s easy to grow your own! Simply steam or lightly boil the spears for a delicious, sweet, melt-in-the-mouth treat. And they’re equally tasty eaten raw!

Broccoli Seeds – Gemini F1

Broccoli Gemini F1 Easy to grow, it’s the quickest broccoli to crop! Gemini is on the quickest broccoli to crop, as quick as 80 days from sowing to harvest. Easy to grow, this variety of broccoli has good disease resistance and produces florets weighing 300-500g each. Reaching heights of 41-50cm (16-20"); spread 41-50cm (16-20"), it’s

Beetroot Seeds – Bulls Blood

We love this dual use beet because you can eat the leaves and root. This reselected strain takes the yummy homegrown beetroot back to its true colours and produces those deep red leaves that you just don?t see enough of these days. Beetroot Bull?s Blood can be used for baby leaf salads or use the

Asparagus officinalis Mondeo

Asparagus Mondeo is a spring planting, all-male hybrid. A massive interest has been raised due to its impressive quality and harvest,  especially early in the season. These delicious spears have tight tips throughout the season, with excellent flavour and good disease resistance. Height: 150cm (59). Spread: 45cm (18).

Kiwi (Actinidia Arguta) Jenny

Kiwi (Actinidia Arguta) Jenny Produces attractive sweet kiwis! Hardy variety and the only self-fertile kiwi. It is an easy-to-grow climber which will give good crops in the UK, grown on a trellis, arch or pergola in a warm spot, or on a south-facing wall. It has very attractive red-tipped early growth, and its small, sweet

Houseplant Seeds – Urban Cactus Collection

The ultimate ‘easy care’ houseplant! Create a modern ‘chic’ look by growing this collection of differently shaped cacti Ideal to grow in lots of different containers and perfect for a sunny windowsill where regular houseplants would not grow.Great for your home, office or as gifts for friends.