Category Archives: Plants & Seeds

Tomato Seeds – Marmande

Continental outdoor variety. Large, irregular fruits with firm flesh and few seeds. Distinctive flavour. RHS Award of Garden Merit winner. (Cordon variety – one stem grown by pinching off side-shoots as they appear, needs staking and tying in.) Tom says: We trial hundreds of new varieties every year in order to make sure only the

Leek Seeds – F1 Below Zero

A British bred variety which combines the vigour of an F1 hybrid with extreme cold tolerance to produce superb quality leeks which can withstand cold winters. It produces pure white shanks with dark leaves that stand well over a long period without bolting and is resistant to rust. An excellent long-standing leek with incredible cold

Pepper Chilli Seeds – Zimbabwe Black

The unusual foliage and colourful chillies which ripen from dark purple to bright red give Zimbabwe Black a striking appearance. This is a Capsicum annuum cultivar with a densely branched growth habit producing masses of colourful flowers and fruit. Rating 20,000-30,000 SHU (Rating measured in Scoville heat units – SHU. The higher the rating the hotter

Chinese Cabbage Seeds – Hilton

Light green, medium-sized, barrel-shaped heads of delicious, crunchy leaves that are delicious raw or stir-fried!

Brussels Sprout Seeds – F1 Brenden

Plants perform well on a range of soil types and produce an outstanding number of buttons per stem for late season use. Sprouts boast a distinctive but delicate flavour and plants show good disease resistance, making them ideal for the home gardener, and good holding ability, ensuring a long harvest period (November-January). Good holding abaility

Lettuce Seeds – Cos Lettuce Mix

Unique mixture of Cost Lettuce. Great colour, shape, texture and sweetness of baby leaf stage. Ready to eat in just 3-4 weeks. Easy to grow Nutritious, mixed leaves Sweet, colourful leaves Quick and easy lettuces are many peoples first veggie crop. Try mixing red and green lettuce leaves to add a note of bitterness to

Garlic Kale Seeds

Garlic Kale Seeds Hardy greens with a delicious garlic taste! Garlic Kale is a hardy and flavoursome green, originating from Ethiopian cabbage. Successional sowing will provide continuous luscious greens to add to your favourite dishes. Harvest from January to December, as this variety of kale can be grown through the winter in a greenhouse. Height

Broccoli Seeds – Blue Finn F1

Broccoli Seeds – Blue Finn F1 This classic-looking variety of broccoli is compact in shape and boasts productive plants reaching around 30-45cm tall. If you grow this crop from seed, it will supply a great number of dense florets, weighing up to 500g while remaining tight and full of flavour. ‘Blue Finn F1’ will not

Kale Seeds – Buttonhole Starmaker

One of the most attractive kales available, with dark green leaves and stunning pink veins. Specially selected for its mild, sweeter flavour. Perfect to steam and add a striking colour to your plate, or stir-fry to add the ‘WOW’ factor to your meal. Attractive in the garden and helps create a mixed veg/flower border. Harvest

Beetroot Seeds – F1 Action

Good crops of high quality, sweet, smooth-skinned roots to harvest at golf ball size. RHS Award of Garden Merit winner. Ready to eat in just 6-12 weeks. Ideal for small spaces. These excellent ‘baby’ vegetables are bred to be at their sweetest and most nutritious whilst still small in size. They are ideal for small

Kale (Borecole) Seeds – F1 Peacock White

A very showy kale, with frizzled white leaves that make it look more like a beautiful flower. Equally at home in a mixed flower border as it is in the veg garden. Use the tasty white leaves in salads or steamed.

Fig (Ficus) Brunswick (bush) 3L Pot x 1

An attractive self-fertile tree that produces a heavy crop of medium-sized pear-shaped figs. The green-skinned fruits have a sweet flavour and yellow and red flesh. Fruits develop in spring and ripen from August to September, a second crop often develops in late summer and if protected, these fruits will ripen the following summer. This fig

Herb Seeds – Hyssop Blue

Herb Seeds – Hyssop Blue Create a stunning edible display that pollinators will love! Hyssop Blue is a hardy, evergreen perennial herb with aromatic flowers and foliage. This herb plant is the perfect addition to containers or pots, creating a stunning display of blue and purple. A great herb for attracting pollinators to your garden,

Endive Seeds – Natacha

Excellent bolting resistance. Can be sown from March and is ready to harvest within 10 weeks!  

Courgette Seeds – Sure Thing Hybrid

Ideal for a small garden or greenhouse, needs no insects for pollination, so you’ll always get a good crop of tasty fruit! SMALL SPACES made easy! Are you feeling left behind by the “grow-your-own” revolution because you live in a gardenless apartment or have a postage-stamp-sized patio? Don’t worry: Anyone with a sunny windowsill, patio,

Beet (Leaf) Seeds – Silver or Sea Kale

Use green portion of leaves as for spinach. The thick white midribs should be cut into sections, cooked for a few minutes in boiling, salted water, and served separately while still crisp. Crops continuously from July to late autumn. A nutritiious, delicious and ornamental alternative to spinach. (Roots not edible.)  

Beet (Leaf) Seeds – Bright Lights

The most ornamental of swiss chards, ideal for the flower border. Simply pick the delicious leaves or stems as required for use in salads/garnishes, or steamed. A nutritious, delicious and ornamental alternative to spinach. RHS Award of Garden Merit winner. (Roots not edible.)  

Cauliflower Seeds – F1 Multi-Headed

The Multi Headed Cauliflower produces one large head and 3-5 side heads for later use. This unique ?cut and come again? cauliflower means you can harvest the main head for that family dinner and keep the side heads to harvest as and when needed. Perfect for those of you who like to harvest your crop

Pepper Chilli Seeds – Aji Habanero

In spite of its slightly confusing name, Aji Habanero is a pure Capsicum baccatum variety. The plants are easy to grow, with an open growth habit, and produce an abundant crop of rich orange chillies which ripen early in the season. Excellent for eating fresh when the flavour can be really appreciated, they also dry

Foxglove Mixed

Foxglove Mixed is a perfect addition to shady areas of the garden, they are delightful when planted amongst deciduous trees and wildlife areas or at the back of the border. With a beautiful range of colours they can be cut as they make superb long-lasting cut flowers. A firm Hardy Biennial favourite in the English