Category Archives: Plants & Seeds

Florence Fennel (Organic) Seeds – Finale

Firm, heavy, uniform bulbs with flattened shape. Good bolt resistance so can be sown end Feb – mid-July, for harvesting between June and November.

Tamarix tetrandra Plant

Blooming in late May, this species makes it possible to have the airy, pink flowers of tamarix in spring as well as summer. Perfect for the dry bed, this irregularly shaped deciduous shrub or small tree graces the garden with its extremely fine sprays of green cypress-like foliage throughout summer and fall. Ultimate dimensions of

Cucumber (Organic) Seeds – Marketmore

Attractive dark green cylindrical fruit up to 20cm in length. Continuous high yield throughout the season. Resistant to cucumber mosaic virus.

Rhododendron (AJ) Plant – Ardeur

A hardy shrub with a compact, low growing habit. The bright orange blooms in spring look magnificent against the dark glossy leaves. Flowers April-May. Height 90-100cm. Supplied in a 2 litre pot.

Physocarpus opulifolius Plant – Diabolo®

Physocarpus opulifolius Diabolo is a deciduous upright shrub with an arching habit mostly grown for its rich deep purple coloured leaves. In summer clusters of small delicate white flowers tinged with a hint of pink emerge, these are followed by glossy red seed heads that last well into autumn. Height 200-250cm. Supplied in a 3

Kolkwitzia amabilis Plant – Maradco

Kolkwitzia amabilis Dream Catcher ‘Maradco’ is a deciduous shrub with chartreuse foliage that’ll grow happily in full or partial sun. The foliage colour is known to create the illusion of light in darker gardens. Beauty bush blooms light pink in springtime on old wood. Height 100-150cm. Supplied in a 3 litre pot or 7.5-10 litre

Lonicera kamtschatica Plant – Blue Velvet Noble

Lonicera Blue Velvet is a compact variety of edible honeysuckle also known as Honeyberry. Ideal for a smaller space or in pots on the patio, creamy white flowers in spring are followed by sweet, tasty berries in early summer. Eaten fresh straight from the plant, baked into cakes or made into jam. The berries are well

Euonymus alatus Plant

Aptly known as the ‘Burning Bush’, Euonymus alatus is a striking deciduous shrub which provides the garden with a blaze of dramatic crimson come autumn. Originating from Japan and China, it has dense and bushy in habit with large, wing-like leaves which taper to points of up to 7cm long, and also produces small pale

Hypericum kalmianum Plant – Blue Velvet

Hypericum kalmianum Blue Velvet is a bushy, sun-loving, semi-evergreen, mound-forming, rounded shrub that is low-maintenance and makes a superb filler for borders. Blue-green foliage and golden yellow flowers during summer followed by prominent, conical red-tinged fruits extends its season of interest well into autumn. This easy-to-grow shrub tolerates a wide range of growing conditions will

Chaenomeles superba Plant – Jettrail

Chaenomeles x superba ‘Jet Trail’ is a deciduous shrub often grown trained against a wall. It produces clusters of pure white flowers in early spring, which are followed in late summer by green, egg-shaped fruit than turn yellow as they ripen. It will grow in partial shade, and has almost thornless branches, making it easier

Spiraea japonica Plant – Superstar® First Editions®

Superstar Spirea features showy clusters of pink flowers at the ends of the branches from late spring to late summer, which emerge from distinctive purple flower buds. It has attractive dark green foliage which emerges scarlet in spring. The small serrated pointy leaves are ornamentally significant and turn an outstanding coppery-bronze in the autumn. This

Berberis ottawensis Plant – Superba

Barberry ‘Superba’ or known by its proper name Berberis × ottawensis f. purpurea ‘Superba’ is a deciduous medium-sized shrub with arching branches. Has light yellow flowers and its leaves are broadly oval, deep red-purple and brighter red in autumn. Flowers April-May. Height 150-200cm. Supplied in a 3 litre pot or 7.5-10 litre pot.

Hydrangea marcophylla Plant – Soeur Thérèse

Hydrangea marcophylla Plant -Soeur Thérèse The Hydrangea marcophylla Plant -Soeur Thérèse is a stunningly beautiful pure white hydrangea. This hardy deciduous shrub is smaller than other varieties and is very easy to grow. A lover of both the sun and shade, the dark green leaves show off the mophead flowers to perfection! Hydrangeas are a

Philadelphus Plant – Innocence Noble

Philadelphus Innocence is an upright deciduous shrub with an arching habit. The dark green leaves variegated with creamy white are attractive in themselves but come early summer strongly scented white blooms are produced that carry tha familiar sweet orange blossom fragrance. Ideally suited to the back of border or grown as a specimen plant. Height

Hibiscus syr. Plant – Woodbridge

Hibiscus syriacus ‘Woodbridge’ has pretty pink flowers with dark red centres. The single exotic-style blooms grow to 10cm (4") wide in summer. Its dark green lobed leaves remain in autumn, spring and summer. It enjoys moist, well-drained soil, full sun and a sheltered position. It is an RHS Award of Garden Merit winner for garden excellence. Height

Malus (Crab Apple) Evereste

Malus (Crab Apple) Evereste It’s clear to see why this hardy tree was awarded an RHS AGM! Crab Apple ‘Evereste’ has a compact, broadly conical, and tidy crown which grows into a mass of lobed leaves with delightful pink buds that open purely white in spring. This puts on a spectacular display and brings any

Berberis thunb. Harlequin

Berberis thunbergii ‘Harlequin’ is a popular, easy colourful small shrub with leaves unfolding purple at first, becoming heavily mottled pink next and lastly turning ruby-red in autumn. Clusters of pale yellow flowers opening from maroon buds in spring are followed by shiny blood red berries. Very suitable as a hedge, in containers or solitary planting.

Berberis media Plant – Red Jewel

Glowing brightly in the border, Berberis x media ‘Red Jewel’ forms a neat, rounded mound of glossy red-purple leaves that turn bright red in autumn and remain on the plant through winter. Small, pale yellow flowers appear in spring. Happy in sun or partial shade and in most soil conditions, it works well as an

Hydrangea macrophylla Plant – Rosita

Originally from Japan hydrangea macrophylla ‘Rosita’ is an easy to grow bushy rounded deciduous shrub with broadly ovate mid-green foliage. All through summer it produces large rounded clusters of deep pink flowers in alkaline soil or mauve to violet flowers in acid soil. Height 100-150cm. Supplied in a 3 litre pot.

Diervilla sessilifolia Plant – Cool Splash® First Editions®

Diervilla sessilifolia ‘Lpdc Podaras’ or known by its marketing name Diervilla sessilifolia Cool Splash® was introduced by First Editions®. Cool Splash® is an upright suckering thicket-forming deciduous shrub with ovate to lance-shaped pointed mid-green and white variegated leaves and its bright white stands out dramatically even in shady borders. Clusters of small yellow flowers in