Category Archives: Plants & Seeds

Deutzia ‘Raspberry Sundae’®

It’s hard to contain your excitement when you see the beauty that is Deutzia Raspberry Sundae. This plant is indeed sundae-like, with its large clusters of two-toned pink and white flowers bejewelling its compact habit from mid-spring to mid-summer. Its scent is just as sweet too, attracting a whole host of pollinators to enjoy its

Acer Shirasawanum Jordan

When the leaves emerge in spring they take on a light orange colour before turning bright yellow as the season progresses. A compact and bushy form, it will help brighten up an area in the garden or on the patio. In early autumn, the leaves often turn a glorious red colour. Height 150-200cm. Supplied in

Acer Palmatum Plant – Peve Dave

A compact bush with beautiful dark red lobed leaves. It has lovely red autumn colour. Height 91-100cm. HP – Hardy perennial. Supplied as 30-40cm plant in a 3 litre pot.

Grafted Tomato Plant – Gardener’s Delight

Tomato Grafted Plants – Gardener?s Delight The bite-sized tomatoes packed full of flavour. The Gardener?s Delight grafted tomato plant will produce bite-sized fruits packed with a deliciously rich, sweet flavour. This cordon variety is particularly favoured for its heavy crops are borne on long trusses therefore, it comes to no surprise that?s its been voted

Deutzia hybrida ‘Strawberry Fields’

Deutzia is a fast-growing, elegant, summer-flowering shrub, which has panicles of delicate flowers, with a sweet fragrance. ‘Strawberry Fields’ is the holder of an RHS Award of Garden Merit too. Flowers May-June. Height 100-150cm. Supplied in a 3 litre pot.

Acer Palmatum Jerre Schwartz

This plant produces lovely red leaves in spring turning to green in the summer. The young growing tips are reddish brown and create an attractive contrast. Height 101-150cm. HP – Hardy perennial. Supplied as a 50-60cm plant in a 3 litre pot.

Sweet Potato Plants – Speciality Collection

Traditionally sweet potatoes have been grown from ‘slips’, but we supply Super Plugs, well-rooted and actively growing, which give far better results! Our new generation of cool-weather-tolerant, fast-maturing varieties can now be grown successfully from plants in even the chilliest parts of the UK. Simply pot and grow on in a frost-free environment until June,

Sweet Potato Plants – Kaukura

One of the newly bred ‘ornamental edible’ sweet potatoes that is an orange-skinned and orange-fleshed variety which is delicious! Deep purple heart-shaped leaves that are as ornamental as the tubers are tasty. Can be used in pots as bedding, then harvest the tubers when you empty the pots. Leaves are traditionally eaten in Vietnam/Japan and

Spinach Tree Spinach (12)

Easy to grow, colourful alternative to spinach. Tree spinach has bright magenta, almost sparkly growing tips. Plants can grow up to 2m tall, hence the name ‘Tree’ spinach. Young leaves can be used fresh in salads and larger ones can be harvested and use like spinach. Plants can be harvested as a cut and come

Chilli Pepper Plant – Trinidad Moruga Scorpion

Chilli Pepper Plant – Trinidad Moruga Scorpion A whopping 1.4 million Scoville units – Its the hottest recorded chilli pepper! The ‘Trinidad Moruga Scorpion’ is currently the hottest recorded chilli. Native to the district of Moruga in Trinidad and Tobago, it weighs in a whopping 1.4 million Scoville units! When chopping your ‘Trinidad Moruga Scorpion’

Mulberry Dwarf Bush – Charlotte Russe (Mojo Berry)

The Mulberry Bush – Hard to find the fruits in supermarkets, you can have all the joys of growing your own mulberries without the hassle of keeping a large tree. With heights reaching 8 metres, many people don’t have the space for a mulberry tree. This dwarf, compact variety only reaches a height of approximately

Raspberry Plant – Summer Lovers Patio Gold

Compact yellow fruiting primocane variety. Specially bred for Patios and smaller gardens. Perfectly paired with Summer Lovers Patio Red. Up to 1 metre in height, cropping August-September.

Lesser Galangal Plant

Lesser Galangal Plant The Lesser Galangal is the picture-perfect edible houseplant! Our ornamental edible spices will allow anyone to enjoy ‘Lesser Galangal’ from the comfort of their very own home. Producing structural leaves of orchid-like flowers this edible spice will bring you plenty of joy to any household. Originating from Southeast Asia, ‘Lesser Galangal’ is

Herb Plant – Sage Growers Friend

‘Grower’s Friend’ is an excellent choice for potted, summer-grown culinary herb. Fresh cut herb growers in Britain choose this variety for summer production. This is a non-flowering, upright growing sage with green leaves and slightly red stems. It grows up to 80cm (32) and develops to 100cm (3ft) in diameter. Supplied in 9cm pots.

Herb Plant – Mushroom Plant(Rungia Klossii)

This aptly named tender perennial will add a taste of mushroom to salads and sandwiches, becoming stronger in flavour when added to cooked dishes at the last minute of cooking. A good edible houseplant with its thick, glossy, dark green edible leaves which have a crispy texture, similar to spinach. Plants will also produce showy

Grafted Vegetable Lucky Dip (6) P10

Enjoy homegrown grafted veg with our selection of potted grafted vegetables – a minimum of 3 varieties from our existing range of grafted vegetables. Plants supplied in 10cm pots. Perfect for the veg patch or your pots and containers, our grafted veg produces up to 75% more fruit and is more resistant to disease. Please

Trixi Plant – Romance 20

The Trixi collections have been put together after many years of trialling to find the perfect mix of plants that will grow well together, flower together and create a stunning display with different varieties and colours. This has been taken and grown on into large colourful potfuls allowing them to be planted in the garden,

Cauliflower Plants – Clapton

An exceptional autumn cauliflower producing fine white curds that are well protected by leaves, and matures over a period of weeks thus avoiding a glut. Harvest August-November. Supplied in 9cm pots.

Verbena Plants – Trailing Mix

Verbena Plants – Trailing Mix A beautiful trailing mix to create wonderful displays The Verbena Plants – Trailing Mix is perfect for creating beautiful displays around your patio. Potting these plants in decorative containers or patio pots will create dramatic cascading ?waterfall? displays. Adding splashes of vibrant colour along the way. The Verbena Plants –

Botanical Infusions Plants – Collection

Botanical Infusions Plants – Collection From the furthest corners of Earth we bring you the most amazing and exotic collection of herbs! All with their own properties beneficial to your health. From The middle East to deep in the heart of South America, these herb plants are true botanical marvels. They can be enjoyed in