Category Archives: Plants & Seeds

Blueberry Plant – Cabernet Splash

NEW, EXCLUSIVE and available for the first time ever in Europe – This striking variety produces beautiful deep red unique foliage in spring, just when your garden needs a dash of colour. As the vibrant red fades, it will be replaced by a mottled red and green effect in the summer, when glorious white flowers

Grape Vine Plant – Perlette

Seedless white grape producing very large bunches of golden-green, delicious dessert grapes. Also suitable for greenhouse or conservatories. Vigorous and heavy cropping. Supplied as a grafted plant in a 3 litre pot. Choose a sunny spot and our variety will provide you with a bountiful crop of delicious grapes! The vine is very attractive too!

Gaura Plant – Gaudi Pink

Is a compact, mound-forming, deciduous perennial with upright stems bearing narrowly lance-shaped, dark green leaves, flushed maroon when young, and wand-like panicles of slender, red buds opening to star-shaped, mid- to pale pink flowers from early summer into autumn. Flowers June-September. Height 21-30cm (8-12"); spread 31-40cm (12-16"). Supplied in a 2 litre pot.

Fig Plant – Panachee

This prolific-cropping variety, though it’s been in cultivation since 1668, is something quite unusual, boasting high quality, deliciously sweet fruit with a unique variegated colouration that is certain to make it one of the most talked about items in your garden and your fruit bowl! Supplied in a 3 litre pot. Figs will bring a

Carpinus betulus (Hornbeam) Plant – 2L Value Hedging Range

A very popular native species with very similar characteristics to Beech – in that it retains many of its leaves in winter. Supplied height 30-45cm – in a 2 litre pot. Available in 4 pack sizes: 1 Plant, 6 Plants, 12 Plants, 24 Plants – The more you buy the more you save!

Thuja Atrovirens (Western Red Cedar) Plant – 2L Value Hedging Range

This fast-growing evergreeen conifer is ideal for hedges and can tolerate shade. Its aromatic dark green colour provides a great backdrop and will even regenerate from the old wood when cut back which many conifers won’t. Thuja plicata Atrovirens can also be grown as a single specimen where an overall conical shape will be produced.

Syringa Michael Buckner

With particularly large flowers and a powerful perfume, Lilac ‘Michael Buchner’ is an excellent choice for sensory gardens. Conical flower heads are densely packed with rose pink buds that open to reveal star-shaped, lilac blooms with pretty white centres. This charming Syringa has an upright habit which forms a large shrub or small, multi-branched tree.

Pinus mugo Plant – ‘Mops’

<Whorls of dark to bright green, needle-like leaves on thick, upright branches and dark brown female cones. This slow-growing, dwarf mountain pine is perfect for a sunny, well-drained, rockery or gravel garden. Height 71-80cm; spread 71-80cm.

Rhododendron Plant – Tortoiseshell Orange

A large, evergreen hybrid rhododendron. It bares the most exquisite orange-pink flowers that have dark lines and spotting throughout. It requires a sheltered position. Flowers May-June. Height 300cm. Supplied in a 4 litre pot.

Lonicera Fragrantissima

This wonderful, winter-flowering shrub produces fragrant, creamy-white flowers in mild spells between December and March on almost leafless branches. These are sometimes followed by dull red berries, which may cause a mild stomach upset if ingested. The leaves, when they appear, are a rich shade of green – usually flushed with a plush purple. Flowers

Hydrangea macrophylla Endless Summer SUMMER LOVE

With a mass of raspberry-red or deep-purple blooms, Summer Love has florist quality blooms and will add vibrant colours to your garden or patio container. Compact and neat habit means it stays tidy through summer. Height: 150cm Spread: 80cm

Hydrangea Double Dutch Alkmaar

Hydrangea Double Dutch Alkmaar Masses of beautiful blue double-flower heads, densely packed out so very eye-catching. Hydrangea Double Dutch Alkmaar is a great plant to stand out in patio pots and borders. Height: Up to 120cm (47?) when fully established Spread: Up to 120cm (47?)

Euonymus Japonicus President Gauthier

Euonymus Japonicus President Gauthier Euonymus Japonicus President Gauthier is a lovely evergreen shrub with creamy white and green variegated foliage. This low maintenance shrub is perfect for creating an evergreen hedge. Mature height and spread up to 2.5 metres.

Cornus sanguinea ‘Midwinter Fire’

Taxus Baccata (Yew) Plant – 2L Value Hedging Range

The king of hedging! It’s native, evergreen, dense, slow growing (so easy maintenance) and good in shade. Supplied height 20-30cm – in a 2 litre pot. Available in four pack sizes: 1 Plant, 6 Plants, 12 Plants, 24 Plants – The more you buy the more you save! English Yew’ is very versatile as it

Cordyline australis Verde atlantic green

Bold evergreen palm-like plant with long arching sea-green leaves and fragrant white flowers in summer, forming branching trunks when mature. Ideal for low maintenance patio containers or planted out in a border, they thrive in full sun to part shade in most well-drained soils. Height: over 3 metres. Spread: over 1 meter.

Cornus sanguinea Plant – ‘Anny’s Winter Orange’

Arguably one of the best Cornus for winter stem colour with its bright and vivid stems of orange and red that stand out in any situation. The colour of the stem changes as it goes up the stem from yellow at the base, through orange and then a bright red near the tips. It looks

Staphylea colchica Plant

An upright, deciduous shrub with thick stems bearing pinnate leaves with ovate to oblong, glossy, mid-green leaflets and, in late spring, panicles of fragrant, bell-shaped white flowers followed by bladder-like, greenish-white fruit. Flowers May-June. Height 150-200cm. Supplied in a 3 litre pot.

Diervilla rivularis Plant – Honeybee

A showy, low maintenance shrub, which once established, will practically thrive on neglect! Recently bred in the Netherlands, it has golden foliage, which is said to retain its colouring even in shadier conditions (although we suspect it may become greener when not grown in full sun). From early summer, it also produces clusters of yellow

Bay Tree

Create an architectural feature in any garden. Sweet Bay’s dark green leaves are edible and are great for cooking! Ideal for border or container. Simply trim back in summer to the original shape. Supplied as an established standard with a 40cm stem and full head. Available in pot sizes from 2-7.5 litre pots. (Please note