Category Archives: Plants & Seeds

Chaenomeles Speciosa Yukigoten

Chaenomeles spec. Plant – Yukigoten Chaenomeles Yukigoten (Japanese Quince, Flowering quince) is an all-around fantastic deciduous plant, that produces endless scented double-flowering blooms, amongst fresh green foliage that will thrive almost anywhere in your beloved garden! From delightful March and April can you expect this magical hardy shrub to produce to most enchanting, youthful, and

Hibiscus syriacus Plant – Red Heart

Hibiscus Syriacus Red Heart is a special, old-fashioned favoured variety, single pure-white flowers, with rich, red centres bloom from late summer. This hardy shrub with upright and multi-spreading branches make it popular, plant in the garden border where it will be perfect for butterflies and bees. Flowers July-October. Height 201-250cm; spread 201-250cm.

Abelia Plant – Edward Goucher

This semi-evergreen RHS AGM winner hosts an abundance of tubular lilac-pink flowers while the calyx lobes surrounding them are bronze-tinted which provide great contrast against the glossy green foliage. The Abelia Edward Goucher is compact and rounded in shape, the graceful arching habit allowing it to flourish in a sunny border. Muted shades of bronze

Achillea Millefolium Cerise Queen

Achillea Cerise Queen creates an explosion of colour from late spring with stunning cerise pink flowers with white centres, on tall slightly aromatic stems. This herbaceous perennial looks great at the back of a sunny border or in a wildlife garden where it attracts pollinators. Height: 60cm (24). Spread: 60cm (24)

Hydrangea paniculata Plant – Little Lime®

The Hydrangea Paniculata Little Lime is ideal for smaller gardens and containers, coping well in precarious north-facing positions. This compact, hardy shrub is a lot smaller than the Hydrangea Limelight, but just as extraordinary. It displays beautiful lime-green flowers late in Summer, which fade to a creamy white, and then to a delicate pink. When

Delphinium Plants – Pacific Giants Mixed

Delphinium Pacific Giants are perfect for cutting they will add form to the back of any cottage garden border. Semi-double flowers in a lovely variety of colour from purple, lilac, violet-blue, lilac, pink, sky-blue and white. If you want a delphinium that stands out, Pacific Giants must be your choice. Height: 150cm (60”) Spread: 75cm

Juniperus horizontalis Plant – Pancake

The Juniperus Horizontalis Pancake is a compact dwarf conifer, providing evergreen groundcover to rockeries. This Creeping Juniper can also be used to over-spill the edge of raised beds and containers. With a prostrate, ground-hugging habit, it?s easy to see how the Juniperus Horizontalis Pancake earned its name. Height: 15cm. Spread 1.2m. The height and spread

Heuchera Obsidian Plants

Heuchera Obsidian or Coral Bells is a perennial that makes a bold statement in the garden! Deep maroon-black, glossy foliage and contrasting white flowers are spectacular planted in groups. These eyecatching plants with nectar-rich flowers attract pollinating insects and add an exciting look to cut flower arrangements.  Grow in pots to show off its foliage

Centaurea montana

Native to mountains and woodlands, Centaurea montana produces vibrant deep blue blooms, surrounded by grey-green foliage. Its spider-like flower heads are sure to make a feature in the garden, perfect for a striking display. Easy to grow and relatively low maintenance, grow this hardy perennial in sunny borders or rockeries. Those looking for a wildlife

Potentilla fruticosa Plant – Medicine Wheel Mountain

Potentilla Medicine Wheel Mountain is a deciduous hardy shrub that is great for colourful ground cover. Throughout summer masses of bright yellow flowers are produced that continue into early autumn. Requiring very little maintenance this is a perfect plant for a rockery or at the front of a border. Height 90-100cm. Supplied in a 3

Campanula poscharskyana

Campanula poscharskyana is the ideal hardy perennial for your garden for 2021! From May through to the end of August this magnificent Serbian bell flower will produce bundles and bundles of star-like 5 petelled blooms in a bold violet shade! This bright and beautiful variety is not only easy on the eye, it has nectar

Achillea Millefolium Paprika Plant

Achillea Millefolium Paprika Grows an abundance of red flowers on a back drop of dark foliage! Achillea Millefolium Paprika grows an abdunace of tiny delicate Scarlet-red flowers with yellow centres, on an upright, herbaceous shrub, that has dark green leaves. This wonderful foliage stands as an excellent back drop for the flowers in any garden

Clethra alnifolia Plant – Ruby Spice

Clethra Alnifolia Ruby Spice – Sweet Pepperbush ‘Ruby Spice’ is a highly desirable scented shrub. It blooms from late Summer to Autumn, with glossy dark green leaves that turn golden in the Fall. Clethra Alnifolia ‘Ruby Spice’ produces the most unique flowers, coloured in a shade of blush pink and appearing in panicles. Growing to

Hydrangea anomala petiolaris Plant

Hydrangea anomala petiolaris Plant A fantastic plant for a shady wall, Hydrangea anomala ssp. petiolaris (the climbing hydrangea) forms a dense cover punctuated by lacy white flower heads in early summer. It takes a while to establish, but the two or three-year wait is worth it. When it does take off, it will rapidly spread

Buddleia davidii Plant – Santana

Buddleia davidii ‘Santana’ is a deciduous shrub with lance-shaped variegated foliage of green and golden yellow. Flowers red-purple on panicles up to 50cm long at the end of the arching stems during the second half of summer. Flowers July-September. Height 150-200cm. Supplied in a 3-4 litre pot.

Fargesia Murieliae

Fargesia Murieliae An excellent option for a tropical garden! The Fargesia Murialiae is an excellent tropically themed, wind-resistant plant, which is ideal for filling awkward spots in the garden, or hiding unwanted features. This Umbrella Bamboo can rise over two metres tall, and will promptly form clumps of arching yellow-green canes, with foliage comparable to

Berberis thunb. Plant – Orange Rocket®

Berberis thunb.Orange Rocket Dazzling shades of ruby and orange will brighten up any garden! Berberis thunb. Orange Rocket will bring dazzling colour to any garden. When grown in a sunny spot this deciduous shrub emerges a bright orange-red before turning a deeper ruby! Orange Rocket will catch any eye when woven through the border or

Viburnum Opulus Plant – Roseum

Viburnum Opulus Roseum Gorgeous white blooms make amazing cut flowers! The Viburnum Opulus Roseum is the popular, easy to grow shrub which thrives in the English climate. A beautiful bushy garden shrub with gorgeous leaves shaped similar to an Acer tree. Also known as the ‘Snowball’ tree due to its round white blooms. These showy

Clematis Blekitny Aniol 2 Litre Pot x 2 Inc:

Clematis Blekitny Aniol – Clematis Viticella Clematis ‘Blue Angel’ has distinctive pastel blue flowers, its tissue paper petals represent sheer elegance and are gracefully accompanied by its pale lemon anthers. This Clematis is truly fascinating to the eye with it’s crinkled sepals changing unusually in different light conditions. It’s lime green leaves and tendril like

Polianthes tuberosa Pink Sapphire

Polianthes tuberosa ‘Pink Sapphire’ The Tuberose has long been admired for its exquisite, rich perfume. Until recently, only white cultivars were available, but Polianthes tuberosa ‘Pink Sapphire’ marks a real breeding breakthrough. Rose pink blooms with fully double petals are carried in stocky flower spikes that make astonishing cut flowers. This half hardy tuberous perennial