Category Archives: Plants & Seeds

Garden Pegs

Secure weed matting, nerving or horticultural fleece into place with the easy-to-use and durable garden pegs. Made from strong materials, with a practical design, these narrow pointed pegs can be pushed straight into the ground. The handy puller grip at the top means they can easily be removed when necessary, ready to be used again

Cordyline Sundance

An upright cordyline offering rich green foliage with a defining pink midrib running down to a pink base. The evergreen sword-like foliage make a super architectural shrub for containers, Cordylines are also well-known for their ability to withstand the salt-laden winds found in coastal areas. Height and spread: 1m (3′).

Grafted Tomato Plant – F1 Buffalosteak

Earlier ripening than the majority of other beefsteak tomatoes means you’ll be harvesting Mediterranean style, big, rich flavoured fruit for months! With a rich, old-fashioned tomato flavour and few seeds, these meaty fleshed tomatoes are ideal for salads or sauces and ideal to serve sliced with mozzarella and basil. Fruit weight 350-700g. Resistant to tomato

Tomato Plants – Alicante

An excellent crop of medium-sized, fleshy fruits of fine flavour. Succeeds well in soil, or grow bags, under glass or outdoors. You don’t have to have a large vegetable garden to grow your own. Even the smallest patio or balcony can accommodate a few containers that will give you a bumper crop of delicious fresh

Foliage Houseplant Drip Feeder

The application couldn’t be simpler just snip off the end of the ready to use dripper and insert the cut end into the compost, each specially formulated solution will nourish your plants for up to 15 days to keep them looking at their best. Feeding your foliage house plants couldn’t be easier with this drip

Crocosmia Hot Spot (Firestars Series)

Crocosmia Hot Spot gives the wow factor in your borders with these starry flowers rising on arching stems above sword-like foliage. Each sunshine-yellow bloom is decorated with a central ring of cherry red blotches, which bleed along the length of the petals. The Firestars Series has been specially bred for their bicolour flowers and a

Euphorbia x martini

Euphorbia x martini is compact and forms a round mound of slender, dark, grey-green foliage that makes a neat and tidy addition to the garden. From early spring to July, panicles of acid-green flowers, with contrasting red eyes, make an eye-catching display. This hardy evergreen blends equally well into traditional or contemporary planting schemes. Euphorbia

Herb Plant – Oregano Hot & Spicy

One of the strongest tasting Greek Oregano with slightly darker leaves than usual. More of a compact and trailing habit make this a good variety for the garden or containers and the plants will produce attractive small flowers in late summer. Perfect for pasta or Mexican food. Supplied in 9cm pots.

Begonia Collection

Perfect for hanging baskets or any garden containers this is a superb collection of a carefully selected mixture of favourite begonias! This Begonia Collection contains an amazing five different varieties of tuber begonias to add colour to your garden all summer long, easy to grow you’ll have a superb display in no time!


Pretty pink springtime flowers clothe the stems of this robust shrub and fill the garden with an exquisite perfume. Although slow growing, Daphne ?Perfume Princess? is well worth the wait, forming a medium sized shrub with an attractive rounded habit. This hardy evergreen shrub has increased in popularity in recent years, providing year round interest

Nurserymans Choice Clematis

Clematis are easy to grow and need little attention other than food and water. With our great-value clematis plants perfect for adding colour you won’t be disappointed, cover fences, walls or any suitable climbing frames, 2 litre potted plant that will give you superb coverage and an excellent flowering display each year!

Bean (Climbing French) Plants – Cobra

Bean (Climbing French) Plants – Cobra Superb tasting-stringless pods The ‘Cobra’ is a delicious french climbing bean that will be produced in profusion right through to autumn if picked regularly. These Climbing French Bean plants will produce fruits that are smooth, long round pods up to 20cm (8”) in length. A climbing bean variety they

Sweet Potato Plants – Murasaki

Sweet, tender, nutty-flavoured tubers, with the added bonus of delicious, edible leaves. This Japanese, purple-skinned variety doesn’t lose its colour when it’s cooked. Harvest August-September.

English Lavender

English Lavender This traditional English Lavender is guaranteed to fill your garden with a beautiful fragrance and highly attractive blooms. The fragrant flowers are a magnet for pollinators such as bees and butterflies and are great for drying or cutting for indoor flower arrangements. This variety is a great addition for fragrant patio pots or

Bulb Bumper Collection

This Bumper Bulb Collection will provide a show-stopping performance for your garden: from jewelled carpets of Anemone blanda in spring, followed by the spherical pom poms of alliums in early summer and then the summer sensation of exotic and showy lilies. For the autumn finale, we?ve included Nerine bowdenii, which sparkles in pink exactly when

Corylopsis spicata Plant

Corylopsis Spicata The Corylopsis spicata is a low-maintenance deciduous shrub that originated in Japan. The Spike Witch Hazel is perfect for the back of a border, or segment of a woodland garden, or shrubbery. Finely scented racemes of yellow flowers hang down from its bare stems by late Winter or early Spring, shortly followed by

Inca Berries Plants

Easy to grow just like tomatoes, you may well have seen this South American delicacy garnishing expensive dishes in posh restaurants, or in small, very pricey packets in supermarkets. If so you would be forgiven for thinking this glamorous fruit is far too high maintenance to grow on UK soil.  Recognisable in patisseries or indeed

Dog Rose

The Dog Rose, Rosa canina has long, thorny stems that grow vigorously every year which makes it ideal to form a hedge. In summer large pink or white flowers cover the hedge and provide colour, they will continue to form into bright red hips in autumn are enjoyed by a wide range of birds as

Perennial Value Plug Lucky Dip (22)

A selection of beautiful perennial varieties that will put on a colourful display year after year. The plants will be selected by us and supplied as healthy value plugs. (PLEASE NOTE: Varieties will vary from those pictured.)

Geranium Zonal Jackpot Improved Mixed

Geranium Zonal JackPot Improved Mixed Produce a mass of colour on neat compact plants! Geranium Zonal JackPot Improved Mixed, is the weather tolerant, F1 hybrid. Geraniums (Pelargoniums) have more than enough vigour to ensure a spectacular, free-flowering display throughout summer. Geranium ‘Jackpot’ produces masses of colourful single blooms on neat compact plants. Perfect for filling