Category Archives: Plants & Seeds

Strawberry Seeds – Regina

A first-class strawberry producing healthy foliage and masses of sweet-tasting fruit that are particularly large for an alpine type. Just add cream for a mouth-watering summer dessert! Easily grown, prolific and delicious.

Eryngium alpinum Seeds – Blue Ice

Striking, spiky, violet-blue textural looking plant that hones in butterflies, bees and small birds into your garden. Lovely vibrant colour that adds zing to your borders & pots throughout the summer into autumn. Leave the flower stems on throughout the winter where possible, this will give you interest in the winter months especially when the frost

Felicia Seeds – Pretty Blue

Blue daisies! Pretty daisy-like sky blue blooms, covering deep green foliage throughout the summer until the first frosts! A stand out summer bedding performer with good drought tolerance and excellent flower power, its no wonder Felicia is making a come back. Flowers June-September. Height 20-30cm (8-12"). HA – Hardy annual.    

Herb Seed – Dill

Annual with feathery blue-green foliage. Leaves and seeds may be used to flavour stews, casseroles, soups and fish dishes, and certain pickles.

Cucumber Seeds – F1 Burpless Tasty Green

Prolific plants producing high-quality cucumbers comparable to glasshouse varieties. Fruits are at their best when about 23cm (9") long. Tolerant of summer heat, and resistant to mildew. Ridge (Outdoor) Variety.

Crocosmia Bulbs – Mix

A clump-forming, drought-tolerant hardy perennial, producing lush green, sword-like foliage topped with spikes of fiery, freesia-like blooms. Flowers July-September. Height 35cm (14"). Bulb size 6/7cm. (Please note: We are not normally able to accept orders for bulbs after mid April.)

Cress Seeds – Watercress Aqua

A crisp-textured variety with a delicious pungent flavour. High in vitamin C. Grows well in wet soil. Crop as baby leaves or allow to mature.

Courgette Seeds – F1 Atena

Bushy plants bearing abundant crops of tasty golden-yellow courgettes. Pick them when they’re 20cm (8") long and bursting with flavour. Ideal for pickling too.

Courgette Seeds – F1 Midnight

Compact, spineless plants ideal for patio containers but also garden growing. Reliably produces heavy crops of dark green, deliciously tasty fruit. .

Courgette Seeds – F1 Defender

Courgette Seeds – F1 Defender An RHS Award of Garden Merit Winner The Courgette F1 Defender is a British bred courgette that is resistant to cucumber mosaic virus which often decimates marrow plants in our gardens. The Courgette F1 Defender produces very heavy crops of mid-green, slightly speckled courgettes. The Courgette F1 Defender is an

Celeriac Seeds – Monarch

This leading quality celeriac produces large, firm roots with white flesh that remains white after blanching. Ideal for stews or soups, but also invaluable diced or grated raw as a tasty addition to winter salads. High tolerance to Celery Virus. RHS Award of Garden Merit winner.

Herb Seed – Thyme Common

Thyme is a perennial herb with small scented leaves. Excellent used sparingly with poultry, meat and game, and in soups.

Cauliflower Seeds – Igloo

A versatile early cauliflower. Grow it at close spacing for a quick crop of delicious mini heads or at wider spacing for more conventionally sized curds. Sow outdoors in March for harvestng in July. Summer/Autumn maturing.

Herb Seed – Rosemary

A perennial evergreen shrub with fragrant leaves which can be picked at any time and used in flavouring meat or fish dishes, also for bouquet garni.

Digitalis Seeds – Pam’s Split

Spikes of large, neatly arranged, creamy-white flowers with burgundy blotches, and unusually cut lower petals that give the plants an open, airy feel. Up to five flower stems per plant. Attractive to beneficial insects. Sow early for flowers the same year. Height 120-140cm (4-4½’). HB – Hardy biennial.

Broccoli Continuity Collection

Sprouting Continuity CollectionPlentiful supplies of tasty spears!One of the hardiest crops withstanding winter temperatures down to -12°C (10°F). Our Sprouting Continuity Collection of three first-class broccoli varieties will provide you with tasty pickings from November to March. Height 90cm (36). Spread 60cm (24).

Aster Seeds – Tall Fraggle Mix

Vigorous, bushy plants covered in semi-double flowers up to 5cm (2") across. In shades of lavender, dark blue, rose, white and purple. It bloomed until the end of September in our trials! Height 70cm (28").

Herb Seed – Marjoram Sweet

An annual which brings out the full flavour of meat dishes. Also useful in fish and tomato dishes in salads.

Carrot Seeds – F1 Eskimo

The most frost-tolerant variety bred so far. On well-drained soils, you can leave some roots in the ground through the winter and dig as required. In heavy soils you may need to lift them late in the year, but they will store well. Good disease resistance. RHS Award of Garden Merit winner. 84 days from

Agastache Seeds – Liquorice Blue

This first-class variety produces attractive, upright spikes of hooded rose-purple blooms that are a magnet for bees and butterflies. Flowers June-September. Height 60cm (24"). Middle of border variety. HP – Hardy perennial.