Category Archives: Plants & Seeds

Sweet Pea Seeds – Super Smelly Sweet Pea (Spencer Mix)

Did you know that I am related to the tasty little green garden peas, but you can’t eat me! Originally I came from Italy and my flowers come in every colour of the rainbow, except yellow. Height 180cm (6′).  

Calendula Seeds – Bug Magnet (Daisy Mix)

Your Calendula flowers will be a real magnet for butterflies, bees and other insects as they visit the blooms in search of pollen and nectar. See if you can recognise any of the ‘bugs’ on your stickers and use your magnifying glass to help you get to know them better! FUN TO GROW – A

Scorpiurus muricatus Seeds – Caterpillar Plant (Mix)

Grow your own hairy caterpillars! These low growing, spreading plants are ideal for a sunny patch in the garden. As they become mature, the plants produce, from July to September, masses of tiny, yellow flowers which are followed by tightly curled, hairy ‘caterpillars’ which are actually the seed capsules. Kids love them! Height 5cm (2").

Hydrangea macrophylla Plant – Bouquet Rose

Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Bouquet Rose’ is an ideal addition to your garden if you need colour and interest added to your garden for the late summer. Needs a little TLC in rough weather like droughts and icy winters. The blooms are pink in colour, quite large and a good way to attract those useful insect like

Carrot Seeds – F1 Maestro

Not specifically bred for carrot fly resistance but has proved so on our own and independent trials. Also has good resistance to diseases (including Cavity Spot and Alternaria – common diseases of carrots). A fine choice for conventional or organic growing. RHS Award of Garden Merit winner. 120 days from sowing to harvest (taken from

Chamaecyparis lasoniana Plant – Pygmaea Argentea

Pygmaea Argentea is a slow growing evergreen conifer with a rounded growth habit. The dense blueish-green foliage is tipped with white which is more predominant in spring. Supplied in a 5-7.5 litre pot.

Artichoke Plants – Twin Pack

Artichoke Twin Pack contains 12 plants (6 of each variety): Purple Globe – Attractive and delicious! Perfect at the back of a perennial border or in the kitchen garden, this perennial plant produces abundant yields of tender and flavourful purple artichokes, ideal with a light French dressing or dipped in butter with a hint of

Antirrhinum Plants – Antiquity Mix

A unique strong-growing dwarf boasting masses of fragrant blooms on every flower spike, and narrow, dark green, disease-resistant foliage. The mix features a fantastic range of colours. Deadhead and trim finished flower spikes to encourage more blooms to emerge. Flowers late May-September. Height 20-30cm (8-12”). Dwarf antirrhinum perfect for pots and front of the border

Pea Seeds – Douce Provence

Perfect for spring, summer, autumn and over-wintered protected sowings. Produces a bountiful crop of sweet and succulent peas. Easy to grow. No staking required. Sow October-December & February-July. Harvest May-October. Sow every two weeks for continuous crops For spring or autumn sowing R = Round seed. Hardy, and can be sown in late autumn or

Tomato Seeds – F1 Pink Baby Plum

A heavy cropping baby plum tomato, providing good pickings of attractive and tasty fruit. For indoor or sheltered outdoor growing. Delicious in salads. High yielding plum tomato Grow indoors and outside Delicious in salads (Cordon variety – one stem grown by pinching off side-shoots as they appear, needs staking and tying in.)

Leaf Salad Seeds – Wild Dragons Tongue

A superb British-bred variety with attractive red-veined leaves, good vigour and a wonderful peppery taste. Plants are bolt-resistant, so don’t run to seed, allowing you to keep picking the leaves over a long period.   ‘Cut & come again’ leaves British bred with superb vigour Bolt resistant variety

Herb Seed – Basil Summer Surprise

Deep purple leaves and stems make a colourful alternative to the common green basil in a wide range of dishes, including salads, pasta, pizza and tomato dishes.   Can be grown as a microgreen on a windowsill – ready in just 21 days! Delicious in salads and pasta

Wineberry Plant

This vigorous, upright, self-fertile variety really is a pretty subject to grow – it’s as well-suited to growing in the flower garden as the fruit garden. Throughout winter the bare stems look magnificent – they’re bright red and covered with hundreds of spines that give them an almost furry appearance. The bright flowers are followed

Aster Seeds – Milady Mix

Excellent weather resistant bedding plants, bushy and uniform in habit. Flowers are large, with incurving petals and colours are bright and clear. Ideal also for tubs, troughs and window boxes, and as pot-plants. RHS Award of Garden Merit winner. Flowers July-October. HHA – Half hardy annual. Height 25cm (10"). Also ideal for mid-late summer colour,

Forsythia int. Plant – Week-End

With a fantastic display of bright yellow flowers in spring on bare woody branches, Forsythia x intermedia Week-End® ‘Courtalyn’ is a hedging must-have. It has an upright, bushy habit, with a multitude of stems and foliage that is a wonderful bright green, opening as the flowers begin to fall. We’d recommend using this shrub mass

Rose Plant – Super Trouper

Super Trouper Novelty Rose of the Year 2010! Super Trouper is a repeat flowering compact floribunda rose. Fruity mandarin orange blooms contrast with glossy green foliage. Flowers through summer and is a compact floribunda variety with a delicate fragrance. Vibrant blooms that are well-formed and freely borne on a neat bushy rose plant of medium

Oxalis Bulbs – versicolor

Mat-forming perennials with hairy leaves and funnel-shaped flowers in late summer and early autumn. The varieties we’ve chosen will provide a range of different coloured flowers. versicolor – White flowers with crimson margins. HH – Half-hardy – ideal for a greenhouse or, in very mild areas, a sheltered spot outside. Flowers August-December. Height 8cm. Bulb

Bean (Runner) Seeds – Benchmaster

Tried and tested for the UK climate, producing pods of over 40cm (16") in length! It boasts an excellent flavour and a long harvest period. Not only a great culinary variety but also ideal for the exhibition bench. A top quality, red-flowered, British-bred bean.

Sweet Pea Plants – Cupani (Species type)

Very fragrant species introduced to Britain in 1699. Maroon upper petals with violet wings making lovely cut flower posies. The original sweet pea Cupani was first cultivated by a Sicilian monk, Father Francis Cupani who found this intensely scented wild sweet pea growing near his monastery in 1695. Species type. Delivered in packs of 12

Squash Seeds – F1 Hunter

An early ripening butternut variety providing a very heavy crop throughout late summer and autumn. Fruit are a lovely buff colour, with fine-flavoured orange flesh, and store well. Average fruit weight 800g – 1Kg. Trailing type, but shorter than American bred varieties