Category Archives: Plants & Seeds

Geranium F2 Seeds – Super Hybrid Mix

A stunning mixture for filling beds, borders or patio containers. Flowers, in a beautiful range of colours, are produced all summer long. Majestic plants laden with blooms. HHP – Half-hardy perennial. F2 hybrid. Height 30cm (12"). (Hybrid flower seed, as most people know, gives the best results, but because production costs are high, the seed

Brussels Sprout Plants – Crispus

Very well adapted to growing under stressed conditions, it reliably produces good crops of smooth, dark green sprouts, that hold well on the stalks. Pick from September to November. This variety is at the cutting edge of new breeding, will allow you to overcome the scourge of Club Root! You don’t have to have a

Flowering Cherry Snow Showers

Small weeping ornamental cherry, branches become covered with blossom, single white blossom, good autumn colour. Flowers March-April. Height 1-1.5m (3’3-5′).

Begonia Plant – Lucerna

One of the tallest cane Begonias, growing to 2m within a couple of years. The flowers are a rich rose-pink and produced in large clusters. The leaves are about 15cm in length. Flowers January-December. Height 50-60cm (20-24).

Streptocarpus Plant – Gold Rose

A variety which has slightly smaller flowers than average but the plant truly compensates with the quantity of blooms it will produce over a 10-month flowering season. Narrow, upright leaves are typical of this plant. Flower size 4.3cm. Flowers January-December. Height 11-20cm (4-8").

Streptocarpus Dwynwen

A medium sized plant with a tidy rosette of leaves, the upper lobes have a hint of pink to complement the cyclamen purple/pink on the lower lobes. This plant has upright stems with plenty of flowers over a long season. Flower size 5.2cm. Flowers January-December. Height 11-20cm (4-8).

Tomato Ponchi-Fa (1) P12

Tomato Plant ? F1 Ponchi-Fa  This vegetable plant is compact making it the perfect size to sit happily on any windowsill. The fruit will grow upright, to produce medium-sized red tomatoes with a sugar content of approximately +10. Ponchi is our series of extra small, compact tomato plants, clearly visible bright tomatoes in a mix

Autumn Cropping Oriental Veg Mix Plants

Autumn Cropping Oriental Veg Liven up autumn stir fries and salads! Perfect to plant in the spaces created by your summer cropping veg, why not keep your outdoor space filled with our autumn cropping Oriental Veg Mix. Mix includes 11 value plugs each of Spicy Oriental Leaf Mix and Red Chinese Cabbage Scarvita.

Cucumber (Organic) Seeds – F1 Paska

A greenhouse type cucumber that you can actually grow outdoors (provided the position is not too exposed). Medium-short fruited (22-25cm). Parthenocarpic means it sets fruit without pollination which means you’ll always have a reliable crop. Smooth skinned with slight ribbing. High yielding. Harvest July-September. Height 100-150cm (39-59); spread 40-50cm (16-20cm).

Woodland Garden Mix Seeds

Our Native British Wildflowers range has been developed from research conducted by Butterfly Conservation, BBKA, RSPB and the Woodland Trust. The Woodland Garden Mix contains 25 native species of wildflower including familiar favourites such as bluebell and ramsons. Designed to include species that will thrive in woodland-type areas. A beautiful woodland patch is ideal for

Lettuce Seeds – OutREDgeous

The first plant to be grown from seed, harvested and eaten in space, Lettuce Outredgeous is so easy to grow that it’s out of this world! We?ve been struggling not to burst with excitement over this lettuce since the day we heard about it?and now we?re bringing it to your gardens. This stunning, red romaine

Bay Double Twisted Stem Tree

A handsome addition to any garden, being attractive the whole year round. The glossy leaves are deliciously aromatic and are edible. They can be picked and used in the kitchen in any number of dishes. Easy to grow and fully hardy, it can be pruned to keep it small or fashioned into an imposing specimen.

The Birds and Bees Mix Seeds

Our Native British Wildflowers range has been developed from research conducted by Butterfly Conservation, BBKA, RSPB and the Woodland Trust. This birds and bees mix contains over 25 native species of wildflower providing nectar and pollen-rich flowers in the season along with offering out of season feeding in the winter. Excellent dual-purpose mix for garden

Dianthus Seeds – Sugar Baby Mix

This superb dianthus has been reselected from the popular Baby Doll to have larger flowers, a wider colour range and better plant habit. The single blooms, with contrasting rings of colour, smother the plant all summer. Ideal for beds, pots or even as a house plant. HHA – Half hardy annual. Height 15cm (6).

Seed Potatoes Organic Maris Bard 1kg

A very well known early for digging after the very first potatoes have finished. Maris Bard has soft waxy creamy white flesh and a distinctive slightly earthy taste. A high yielding, reliable First Early variety, perfect for new, boiled, steamed, mash and saute.

Fragrant Flowers Mix Seeds

Our Native British Wildflowers range has been developed from research conducted by Butterfly Conservation, BBKA, RSPB and the Woodland Trust. In this seed mix there are over 30 native species of wildflower of which many species are known for their fragrance. The aroma can often be released by crushing the leaves of plants whereas some

Honeybee Mix Seeds

Our Native British Wildflowers range has been developed from research conducted by Butterfly Conservation, BBKA, RSPB and the Woodland Trust. Our Honeybee Mix has even been to Chelsea, for Gales’ Honey ‘Honeybee Garden’. The Honeybee flower mix has been developed in conjunction with Gales Honey and beneficial for honeybees and other pollinators. Nectar and pollen-rich

Herb Seeds – Borage

Developed by James Wong – Delicious, easy to grow and stunningly ornamental, this is the ideal multi-tasking veg for the gardener who wants it all. Borage is one of the very best plants for attracting pollinators such as bees. Sow: April-June. Harvest: August-October. Tastes like: Green melon, cucumber, runner beans.

Seeds for Pollinators – Vivid Mix

A vibrant mixture. Pretty ferny foliage, and brightly coloured flowers with delicate petals that flutter in summer breezes. Flowers mid June-September. HA – Hardy annual. Height 30cm (12).

Seeds for Predators – Cheeky Mix

Spreading plants, completely covered in flowers, in an excellent range of colours. Ground-hugging plants for rockeries, banks and walls. Flowers April-May. HP – Hardy perennial. Height 10cm (4).