Category Archives: Plants & Seeds

Crocus Dutch Striped

The bright blooms of Crocus ‘Large Dutch Collection’ sparkle like precious gems in late winter, when few other plants would dare to brave the cold. These beautiful spring-flowering Crocus are perfect for lighting up the bare soil beneath deciduous trees, or planting in meandering groups throughout rockeries and borders. For a really natural effect just

Crocus Dutch Yellow 40 Bulbs

The bright blooms of Crocus ‘Large Dutch Collection’ sparkle like precious gems in late winter, when few other plants would dare to brave the cold. These beautiful spring-flowering Crocus are perfect for lighting up the bare soil beneath deciduous trees, or planting in meandering groups throughout rockeries and borders. For a really natural effect just

Lily – Tree Cezanne

Exotic, fully double, blooms tower up to 6ft in their first year, and more in subsequent years. The tropical pink flowers of Tree Lily® ‘Cezanne’ are completely pollen free, yielding just as much colour and fragrance as the single flowered varieties, without the fear of staining your clothes and skin. Perfect for creating exquisite screens

Marigold French Seeds – Queen Sophia

Red flowers becoming bronze with maturity, each petal edged gold. Free flowering. All American Bronze medal winner. HHA – Half hardy annual. Height 25cm (10").

Marigold Seeds – Burning Embers

Beautiful bright red-maroon flower petals with lighter edges produced on blue-green ferny foliage. Ideal for cut flowers for the home or in arrangements. Plants have a long flowering period. Grow with tomatoes to protect from pests. Flowers June-October. Height 60-70cm (24-28); spread 20-30cm (8-12).

Digitalis Seeds – Speckled Spires Mix

A very well-known variety of this popular ‘cottage garden’ plant. A traditional favourite for herbaceous borders and woodland walks in early summer. They prefer dappled shade. (Please note: Seeds/plants toxic if eaten.) HB – Hardy biennial. Height 90-120cm (3-4′).

Marigold African Seeds – F1 Marvel Mix

A truly marvellous marigold bearing huge, fully double, weather tolerant blooms up to 10cm (4") across! Tried and tested over a number of years, its even height makes it a great choice for bedding. Flowers June-September. Height 30-35cm (12-14"). HHA – Half-hardy annual. Marigolds are easy to grow and will flower right through the summer. Try

Delphinium Seeds – Magic Fountains Mix

A vigorous-growing mixture which if sown early will flower in the current year. Sturdy flower spikes of blue mauve, lilac pink and white. A traditional ‘cottage garden’ favourite. Very attractive to bees. HP – Hardy perennial. Height 75-90cm (2½-3′). (Seeds/plants harmful if eaten.)

Lobelia Seeds – Cascade Mix

Very interesting mixture in shades of blue, mauve, lilac and red, some with white eyes, and also white. Beautiful colours for hanging baskets. Trailing variety. (SUPASEED – Our coated Supaseeds make it easy to sow this fine-seeded item.)

Lobelia Seeds – String of Pearls

Bushy plants bearing a profusion of flowers in a lovely colour mixture. Compact plants covered with tiny flowers throughout the summer, ideal for tubs or bedding, often grown with alyssum. Bush variety. Height 10cm (4"). (SUPASEED – Our coated Supaseeds make it easy to sow this fine-seeded item.)

Lobelia Seeds – White Lady

A dazzling display of glistening white (a few blue-tinged flowers may appear). Compact plants covered with tiny flowers throughout the summer, usually grown as edging for beds and borders, often with Alyssum. Bush variety. Height 10cm (4"). (SUPASEED – Our coated Supaseeds make it easy to sow this fine-seeded item.)

Livingstone Daisy Seeds – Sparkles Mix

A wide range of brilliant colours, including many attractive bicolour combinations. Dazzling daisy flowers, and small succulent leaves that appear to have been sprinkled with sugar. Flowers July-September. Height 10cm (4").

Lobelia Seeds – Cambridge Blue

A lobelia with a lovely light blue cool coloured flowers. Compact plants covered with tiny flowers throughout the summer, usually grown as edging for beds and borders, often with Alyssum. Bush variety. Height 10cm (4"). (SUPASEED: These coated Supaseeds make it easy to sow this fine-seeded item.)

Canterbury Bell Seeds – Cup and Saucer Mix

A well-known variety which comes in a lovely mixture of soft colours. An attractive ‘cottage garden’ favourite, producing large flowers in the distinctive cup-and-saucer shape. HB – Hardy biennial. Height 75cm (2½’).

Candytuft Seeds – Mount Hood

A hyacinth-flowered candytuft with large, pure white flowers. Easy to grow, colourful border plants. Hardy to -12°. Flowers May-September. Height 40cm (16"). HA – Hardy annual.  

Calendula Seeds – Dandy

Calendula Seeds – Dandy This beautiful double-flower will add flurries of colour to your garden! The Calendula Seeds – Dandy are an unusual, double-flowered variety of these fun and easy to grow flowers. The Calendula Seeds – Dandy will brighten up any flower bed or flower border they’re grown in, producing vibrant orange flowers with

Rose Scented Double Pink

Rose Scented Double Pink Enjoy Rose Scented Double Pink all summer long! Producing a delicious fragrance, its ruffles perfectly form petals sculpting exquisite, double blooms. Bred from traditional varieties this repeat-flowering rose combines improvement in scent, form, and colour with enhanced disease resistance. Why not try cutting some for a vase indoors too! Height: 1m

Begonia (Tuberous) Seeds – Parisienne Trailing Mix

Cascades of large blooms in a range of shades. Flowers June-September. Height 24cm (10"). HHA/HHP – Half hardy annual/Half hardy perennial.

Chempak® Yearlong Fertiliser

A once a year feed and forget fertiliser continuously releasing nutrients, providing a controlled flow of plant food just where it is needed around the root system.Ideal for all trees, shrubs and ericaceous plants and particularly recommended for long term feeding of container plants. (N:P:K – 15:6:12)

Aubrieta Seeds – Cascade Red

No spring garden should be without these spreading mats of vibrantly coloured blooms. Height 10cm (4"); spread 45cm (18"). Flowers April-June. Front of border variety. Cascade Red has cascading single flowers in shades of red with grey-green foliage. RHS Award of Garden Merit winner. HP – Hardy perennial.