Category Archives: Plants & Seeds

Perfect by Ponds Mix

Our Native British Wildflowers range has been developed from research conducted by Butterfly Conservation, BBKA, RSPB and the Woodland Trust. A seed mix perfect for creating an aquatic mini-habitat which contains water-edge and some semi-aquatic species. The foliage becomes a haven for amphibians, birds and some small mammals. The mix also contains butterfly and caterpillar

Winter Bird Feeding Mix Seeds

Our Native British Wildflowers range has been developed from research conducted by Butterfly Conservation, BBKA, RSPB and the Woodland Trust. This Winter Bird Feeding Mix includes perennial, biennial and annual species in a mixture of tall and short plants. Designed to attract seed-eating garden birds. The seedheads provide interest throughout the winter season. Perfect for

Cornfield Annuals Mix Seeds

Our Native British Wildflowers range has been developed from research conducted by Butterfly Conservation, BBKA, RSPB and the Woodland Trust. The mix contains 10 native species of wildflower incorporating short-lived perennials for added interest, including buttercup and campion. The colourful annuals create a fast-establishing display in one season and is an easy to grow mix

In The Shade Mix Seeds

Our Native British Wildflowers range has been developed from research conducted by Butterfly Conservation, BBKA, RSPB and the Woodland Trust. This Shady Area Mix contains species that are suited to darker areas but still receive some light, including shade-lovers such as campion and columbine. Can be utilised in ‘difficult’ corners of the garden and suited

Nasturtium Seeds – Collection

A superb collection of easy-to-grow varieties suitable for baskets, containers and borders. Princess of India – deep red flowers on chocolate-green foliage. Height 25cm (10"); Tom Thumb Mix – colourful blend ideal for borders. Height 23-30cm (9-12"); Peach Melba – attractive, distinctive flowers on dark foliage. Good for borders/containers. Height 25cm (10"); Alaska Mix –

Viola Seeds – Freckles

Viola Seeds – Freckles A beautiful and rare variety of viola! The Viola Seeds – Freckles are a rare and unusual viola with China-blue speckled white flowers, adding a stunning ‘wow’ factor to patio pot flower displays and hanging baskets. Due to being very similar to wild violets, the Viola Seeds – Freckles will be

Viola Seeds – Fancy Shades Mix

Medium-sized flowers, bicoloured and tricoloured. Compact plants, blooming freely from spring to autumn in beds and borders, and as edging. Cute little flowers with velvety petals, in beautiful colours. Grow as a HHA – Half hardy annual or HB – Hardy biennial. Height 15cm (6") approximately. Culinary tip: This flower is edible. Edible flowers are

Runner Bean Seeds – Scarlet Emperor

Scarlet Emperor is a very early variety, and attracts long tongued bumble bees. This popular runner bean can be grown on supports or as a ground bean. A Heritage Seed Variety, Scarlet Emperor’s 1895 packet details read Silver-gilt Knightian Medal for Collection of Vegetables, including Suttons’ Scarlet Runner Bean. R.H. Society, Oct 24, 1893. For

Verbena Seeds – Candycane Mix

Extremely bright colour range. Popular, versatile plants with bright, showy flowers. HHA – Half hardy annual. Height 30cm (12").

Torenia Seeds – Deep Blue

This heat and humidity lover boasts deep blue flowers with a lemon throat. These easy-to-grow plants are a great alternative to impatiens, and can even be grown as a houseplant. Flowers July-October. Height 11-20cm (4-8").

Mexican Hat Plant Seeds – Red Midget

Mexican Hat Plant Seeds – Red Midget With this Mexican Hat plant, you can expect it to flower in the first year! This unique and unusual hardy perennial boasts curious-shaped flowers in brick-red with yellow edging, almost like a mini sombrero! Well, it does say it in the name! These flowers might be a little

Tagetes tenuifolia Seeds – Starfire Mix

Striking combinations of lemon, gold and mahogany in a brilliant mixture, many with attractive zoned centres. Vivid colour all season. HHA – Half hardy annual. Height 25cm (10").

Rose Seeds – Garden Party

Lovely double and semi-double flowers in shades of pale pink and rose. Height 25cm (10"). HP – Hardy perennial.# Charlotte says: ‘An easy to grow mini rose with a lovely delicate scent’.

Sweet Pea Seeds – Amethyst & Orchids

Flowers resemble the exotic coloured blooms of orchids, in shades of purple, pale pink and amethyst, waved petals in single and bi-colours. Sophisticated and regal, Spencer type blooms.

Pyrethrum Seeds – Large Flowered Hybrids

Single and semi-double daisy flowers on long stems. Excellent early summer border plants, and good for cutting. Beautiful flowers year after year. HP – Hardy perennial. Height 75-90cm (2½-3′).

Sweet Pea Seeds – Cupani

Species introduced to Britain in 1699 by a monk: Brother Cupani. Bicoloured flowers, maroon upper petals with violet ‘wings’, making lovely cut flower posies with a beautiful deep scent. Scent 3. Flowers June-September. Height 1.8m (6′).  

Poppy Seeds – Danish Flag

Large, fiery red flowers with a white cross and attractive gold stamens. Very attractive to bees and other beneficial insects. Try poppy seeds sprinkled on bread, cakes and biscuits. Flowers June-August. Height 30-60cm (12-24"). HA/HP – Hardy annual/Hardy perennial.  

Sweet Pea Seeds – Fragrant Tide Mix

These superb plants have a dwarf, cascading, spreading growth habit, ideal for ground cover purposes. Two flower stems are produced in each leaf axil, ensuring that plants produce large quantities of blooms throughout the summer, in a range of bright colours. Flowers June-September. Height 40-45cm (16-18").  

Sweet Pea Seeds – Fragrant Skies

An attractive Spencer Sweet Pea with large, highly scented, with blooms in shades of blue mixture. Beautiful in the garden, but equally useful for flower arrangements and superb for showing. HA – Hardy annual. Height 1.8m (6′). Scent 2.

Sweet Pea Seeds – Distant Horizons

A new formulation of our popular New Horizons, this will give you the most comprehensive mixture available. A blend of ‘selfs’ and bicolours, striped and ‘flaked’, including early, mid and late-flowering varieties to provide summer-long colour. Flowers June-September. Height 1.5-2m (60-78"). Supplied in a super-sized pack of 50 seeds to ensure you get the widest