Category Archives: Plants & Seeds

Onion Seeds – Borettana

An old Italian variety (known as Cipollini in Italy) that is loved on the continent! Onion Borettana has flat shaped bulbs with paper-thin, golden skin. They have a lovely and sweet flavour and are traditionally pickled with sweet balsamic vinegar and sold in Italian delis. They are delicious braised and served as a side dish

Onion (Salad) Seeds – Apache

A fast maturing red salad onion which keeps its colour when peeled. SMALL SPACES made easy! Are you feeling left behind by the “grow-your-own” revolution because you live in a gardenless apartment or have a postage-stamp-sized patio? Don’t worry: Anyone with a sunny windowsill, patio, or balcony can cultivate home-grown vegetables. In fact, choosing plants

Pea Shoots Seeds – Anubis

Pea Shoots Seeds – Anubis These delicious and highly nutritious pea shoots are super tasty and are the perfect addition to year-round salads. This is an easy crop to grow and produce super quick crops that are truly flavoursome. As well as being packed full of flavour, these shoots are high in nutrients to give

Melon Musk Seeds – F1 Emir

Developed by James Wong – Sweet, tasty, fragrant, orange flesh approximately 5cm (2”) thick. Can be grown in a glasshouse, tunnel, on a patio, under cloches or in the open. Tolerates low temperatures well. Good resistance to downy mildew. RHS Award of Garden Merit winner. Sow: April-May. Harvest: July-October. Tastes like: Sweet, tropical cantaloupe melon.

Tomato Seeds – Sweet Aperitif

A new cherry tomato with an indeterminate growth habit and a very high yield of small cherry-sized fruits. The bright red fruits have an exceptional flavour with high levels of sugar and acid which combine to give a sweet taste with a refreshing tang. (Cordon variety – one stem grown by pinching off side-shoots as

Tomato Seeds – F1 Summerlast

Allow us to introduce the first blight-resistant dwarf patio variety! Summerlast is an F1 tomato ideal for growing anywhere. If you have a smaller outside space or a compact area like a patio or balcony, you can still grow delicious tomatoes that look as good as they taste.

Lettuce Seeds – Lollo Bionda

Loose heads of delicious, rounded, pale green leaves with frilled edges. Easy to grow. Pick individual leaves as you need them. Ideal for raised beds, patios or veg garden. RHS Award of Garden Merit winner. An expensive, premium salad in the supermarket. Tom says: Quick and easy lettuces are many peoples first veggie crop. Try

Tomato Seeds – Crimson Plum F1

Tomato Crimson Plum F1 The delicious new member of the Crimson family The Crimson Plum is the first blight-resistant plum tomato from seed. Great for both indoor and outdoor growing, it is the ideal tomato variety to be grown outside in the UK. This remarkable fruit is ideal for pots, baskets or any containers, reaching heights of

Leek Seeds – F1 Sprintan

Well named, Sprintan certainly gets a move on to be our earliest maturing leek. From spring sowings, it will mature from late August through to November. As this suggests, it has good ‘standing’ ability and long green ‘shanks’. Has good resistance to leek rust fungus.  

Tomato Seeds – F1 Lizzano

Lizzano, as confirmed by Bangor University, is the most blight tolerant variety we have seen. It is a semi-determinate type producing abundant yields of tasty, high quality, bright red, baby cherry sized fruits. It is a vigorous variety with a compact, uniform trailing habit. Height and spread approximately 50cm (20"). Patio type. (Bush variety –

Tomato Seeds – Honey Delight F1

A true, bright yellow tomato with large cherry/cocktail sized fruit (5cm). It was a recent taste test winner in the USA with a fresh and sparkling flavour, prolific cropper and good overall disease resistance, it adds a burst of colour to a tomato salad. For best results grow indoors, cordon style

Wild Blueberry Seeds

Wild Blueberry A delightful addition to window boxes and containers The Wild Blueberry is a stunning variety that is also known as the Bilberry or European blueberry. Wild Blueberry seeds will produce small, 30cm perennial fruit bushes. These blueberry bushes are great to grow in containers or on a window box due to their smaller

Strawberry Seeds – Red & White Wild Mix

Developed by James Wong – Liven up a fruit salad, muesli or trifle. Enjoy the same way as a normal strawberry. One of the easiest fruit crops to grow. Grows well in pots or window boxes. Tastes like: Ripe pineapple and vanilla.  

Squash Seeds – Musquee de Provence

A traditional variety from southern France, these gorgeous, big flat pumpkins are shaped like a big wheel of cheese, and are heavily lobed and ribbed. The skin is a beautiful, rich brown colour when ripe. The flesh is deep orange, thick and very fine flavoured, fruit grow to 20 lb each.  

Begonia Bulbs – Cascading Fireball

This stunning new variety will create an amazing display on your patio from these fiery red, gold and bronze shades. Begonia Cascading ‘Fireball’ flowers are even more prolific than the ever popular variety ‘Apricot Shades’ producing an abundance of enormous blooms through summer until the first frosts. Perfect for an outstanding display in containers, window

Mizuna Seeds – Red Empire F1

Mizuna Red Empire F1 The ultimate cut and come again oriental salad leaf The Mizuna is one of the most popular and easy to grow of the oriental leaves. The variety Red Empire has striking dark red upper leaves with lime green undersides and stalks. Mizuna plants will grow through winter in a cold greenhouse,

Carrot Seeds – F1 Creampak

Attractive, creamy-skinned, tapering roots which are delicious and sweet raw. No need to peel – just rinse and eat! Also tasty cooked. Later sowings can be lifted and stored. 63 days from sowing to harvest (taken from our own trials and may vary in different areas). Comes out top in blind taste tests  

Pepper Sweet Seeds – Midas

A bright yellow snack sized pepper – a cross between a Jalapeno and a sweet pepper. It has a very mild almost undetectable heat and excellent flavour. Best of all it has retained the productivity of the Jalapeno. Tom says: A hugely productive pepper bred in the UK from a cross between a Jalapeno and a

Pepper Sweet Seeds – Sweetonia Mix

 Easy-to-grow mini sweet peppers with a sweet, spicy taste. Eat raw in salads or stir fry. Harvest July-October.

Pepper Chilli Seeds – Hot Thai

Originally from Thailand, this hot pepper makes a lovely impression in a patio container. These ornamental plants are decked out with up to 200 small fruits that ripen to fiery red. Can be used fresh or dried to make an excellent chilli powder. Rating 50,000-70,000 SHU (Rating measured in Scoville heat units – SHU. The