Category Archives: Plants & Seeds

Bean (Broad Bean) Seeds – Luz de Otono

A vigorous growing bean that shows good cold resistance for overwintering use. Produces long, high quality pods of tasty beans May-June. May also be sown in July for a November crop in mild areas. For autumn sowing.

Bean (Broad) – Statissa

Bean (Broad) – Statissa The first broad bean created especially for eating in the pod, to join the mangetout pea! Statissa grows particularly fine beans inside a slim pod that enable you to cook and eat the young beans whole and use the full crop throughout your homemade meals. Nothing goes to waste with this

Pea Seeds – Proval

Pea Proval Great for successionally sowing, produce fresh peas for months! Pea ‘Proval’ is a very early, spring cropping variety. Large yields of non-floury, crisp, and sweet peas, producing 7-8 per pod. Short 60cm tall pea plants that can withstand bad weather and are Mosaic Virus resistant. Sow successionally in beds or borders, for fresh peas

Pea Seeds – Vivado

An outstanding variety producing a bumper crop of sweet tasting peas that are rich in protein, carbohydrate and fibre. Harvest May-September. W = Wrinkled seed. Sow in succession March-June. Allow 60-120cm (2-4′) between rows. (12-14 weeks maturity).

St John’s Wort Seeds – Healing Balm

Well known in recent times for its medicinal use in the treatment of depression, this versatile plant has more traditionally been used as a topical antiseptic and anti-inflammatory wound healer. You can use it as an oil or turn it into a soothing balm. Easily grown and adding a splash of yellow to summer borders,

Meadowsweet Seeds – Aspirin Plant

The darling of many a TV cookery programme and described as being a cross between elderflower and marzipan, meadowsweet is the fashionable new flavour on the block but it has more traditionally been sought after for its natural pain-relieving properties. Be wary of giving to children under 16, pregnant or suffering with asthma. Do not

Chamomile Seeds – Calming Sleep Soother

Create a calming green swathe of chamomile lawn and then gather the white flowers to make a bath milk that will soften and soothe dry and irritated skin or a tea to calm busy minds. (Check with your doctor.) Flowers June-August. Height 50-60cm (20-24); spread 30-40cm (12-16). View the recipes to make the Calming Sleep

Lettuce Seeds – Lolla Rossa

Containing a massive 690 times the polyphenols of light green iceberg lettuce, this showgirl of the salad bowl with its frizzy edges and a bright red fringe is as beautiful as it is nutrient dense. Polyphenols are the same compounds that give blueberries and black grapes their apparent protective effects, which may reduce the incidence

Pleione (Orchid) Rossini

Hardy orchids are becoming more and more popular within our gardens as they add a touch of the exotic without needing much attention. Pleione ‘Rossini’ has very pretty lilac coloured petals with a delicately fringed white centre and lip. Happily grown in shallow pots and planters as well as in a sheltered, partially shaded border,

James Wong – Kale Black Magic

A growing stack of evidence shows compounds called glucosinolates found in crops like kale may suppress the development of cancer cells from the colon, lungs, liver, bladder, breast and stomach. Suttons and Exeter University tested various cruciferous veg for glucosinolates and Kale Black Magic showed by far the highest levels of all, with more than

Tomato Seeds – F1 Baby Boomer

Perfect for patios and smaller outside spaces, F1 Baby Boomer is one of our favourite tomato varieties. The cherry tomato has never been more popular, and this fruity little number produces up to 300 fruits per plant. Baby Boomer is a bush variety, so it?s easier to care for than regular choices, and you?ll enjoy

Sweet Corn Seeds – Earlibird

10 times more sugary than conventional sweet corn, super early and hugely productive. Origin: USA. The earliest harvest supersweet variety. Guaranteed to spike your blood sugar and send your tastebuds racing. Harvest August-September.  

Seed Tape – Beetroot Rainbow Mix

Brighten up mealtimes! Taste and colour combos that are sure to be enjoyed at the dinner table, even by the kids!Tasty, succulent and full of vitamins. Sow March-June. Harvest July-October. 6m seed tape.

Lily Bulbs – Purple Fountain

This gorgeous Oriental lily boasts an intoxicating fragrance from its large white flowers and each petal is delicately edged with deep mauve-pink. An elegant lily ideal for planting in beds and borders or why try growing it in large patio containers so that the fragrance can be enjoyed up close! Lily ‘Purple Fountain’ also makes

Fragrant Flowers Mix

Rose ‘Scented Double Gold’

Rose ‘Scented Double Gold’ Rose ‘Scented Double Gold’ makes a sensational addition to garden borders for summer-long enjoyment with a delicious fragrance and ruffles of perfectly formed petals sculpting these exquisite, double blooms. Bred from traditional varieties this repeat-flowering rose combines improvement in scent, form, and colour with enhanced disease resistance. Why not try cutting

Tomato Seeds – Crimson Plum F1

Tomato Crimson Plum F1 The delicious new member of the Crimson family The Crimson Plum is the first blight-resistant plum tomato from seed. Great for both indoor and outdoor growing, it is the ideal tomato variety to be grown outside in the UK. This remarkable fruit is ideal for pots, baskets or any containers, reaching heights of

Leek Seeds – F1 Sprintan

Well named, Sprintan certainly gets a move on to be our earliest maturing leek. From spring sowings, it will mature from late August through to November. As this suggests, it has good ‘standing’ ability and long green ‘shanks’. Has good resistance to leek rust fungus.  

Tomato Seeds – F1 Lizzano

Lizzano, as confirmed by Bangor University, is the most blight tolerant variety we have seen. It is a semi-determinate type producing abundant yields of tasty, high quality, bright red, baby cherry sized fruits. It is a vigorous variety with a compact, uniform trailing habit. Height and spread approximately 50cm (20"). Patio type. (Bush variety –

Tomato Seeds – Honey Delight F1

A true, bright yellow tomato with large cherry/cocktail sized fruit (5cm). It was a recent taste test winner in the USA with a fresh and sparkling flavour, prolific cropper and good overall disease resistance, it adds a burst of colour to a tomato salad. For best results grow indoors, cordon style