Category Archives: Plants & Seeds

Pak Choi Cantong White

A fast-growing, non-heading pak choi with white stalks, tender leaves and a great flavor. Grows particularly well in our climate. Perfect for soups and stir fry.

Lupin Russel Hybrids The Governor

Features stunning ultramarine blue blooms each with a white flag. Growing to around 90 to 120cm (3 to 4ft) in height, the plant forms a well-established, leafy foundation with several flowering stems rising out of a single base. Tall spires of tightly packed flowers rise above beautiful green clumps of palmate foliage. The flowers open

Impatiens Xtreme White

Impatiens walleriana in stunning ice white, perfect for all your summer bedding. Grow as a HHA – Half hardy annual. Sow in pots or trays on a windowsill or in a greenhouse at approximately 13-18°C (55-65°F). When large enough to handle transfer 5cm (2") apart to small pots. Once they are ready for planting out

Sarcocca Plant – Winter Gem

A new variety of this amazingly fragrant genus bred by the highly acclaimed British breeder Peter Moore. Combining the best qualities from both its parents, ‘Winter Gem’ produces larger than average dark, glossy, green leaves that emerge from the purple stems which during winter also hold a mass of the very attractive and highly fragrant

Lonicera henryi Copper Beauty Noble® (PBR)

The new foliage of this evergreen, twining climber, emerge with a distinctive bronze colour which gradually fade to green as they age. From early summer the yellow flowers start to appear, these contrasting beautifully with the colourful foliage.

Hebe Pinguifolia Pagei

Hebe Pinguifolia Pagei Hebe come in all shapes and sizes! This one is low-growing with a dense, spreading habit. Small, fleshy, silver leaves cover the stems all year round, accompanied by short white flower spikes in May and June, which are loved by bees and butterflies. Mature height and spread: 35cm x 90cm.

Tulip, Hyacinth and Anemone Collection

Create a succession of Spring colour with our this Tulip, Hyacinth and Anemone Mix. this has been carefully selected to provide a continuous supply of colour coordinated blooms for your beds, borders and containers. White Anemones begin the display in March, they are soon to be followed by deep purple Hyacinths, and a splash of

Acer Shirasawanum Moonrise

Acer Shir. Moonrise boasts fantastic autumn colour and is specifically grown for this purpose. This Japanese maple foliage turns from green in the summer to a vivid and dark red in the Autumn. Red winged seedpods also develop and ripen in the Autumn. Thinking of a Japanese themed garden, this is the one for you!

Aster Plants – Normans Jubilee

Bring a renewal of colour into your borders with pale pink flowers to extend the season colours into autumn. Aster Norman’s Jubilee has a compact, bushy habit. ideally suited to patio containers, beds and borders. Height and spread: 40cm

Hibiscus Plant – Purple Pillar

Hibiscus Purple Pillar is an ornate, tropical exotic variety. A hardy shrub you will marvel at with mauve-blue flowers from late summer into autumn when other shrubs are fading! The flowers grow along stems, attracting pollinators with their open centres and mild scent. The leaves are a bright, mid-green that set off the pinky-purple shade

Nasturtium (Organic) Seeds – Tall Mix

A free-flowering and rapid climber for use against trellises, screens and trees. This hardy annual attracts aphids away from vegetables, so useful throughout the garden. Flowers June-September. Height 180cm (6′) Culinary Tip: The fresh leaves and flowers have a peppery flavour similar to watercress. The flowers will add a spicy touch to salads and the

Platycladus orientalis Plant- Pyrmadalis Aurea (Thuja)

Also known as Thuja orientalis ‘Aurea Nana’. An attractive and compact golden coloured variety. The scale like leaves emerge as a bright green colour before changing to bright golden yellow and often bronze in winter. Gives all round year interest. Height 51-60cm. Supplied in a 3 litre pot or 5-7.5 litre pot.  

Onion (Organic) Seeds – Ailsa Craig

(1899) Large golden straw- coloured onions, globe-shaped, with a mild sweet flavour. Much loved by exhibitors.

Florence Fennel (Organic) Seeds – Finale

Firm, heavy, uniform bulbs with flattened shape. Good bolt resistance so can be sown end Feb – mid-July, for harvesting between June and November.

Tamarix tetrandra Plant

Blooming in late May, this species makes it possible to have the airy, pink flowers of tamarix in spring as well as summer. Perfect for the dry bed, this irregularly shaped deciduous shrub or small tree graces the garden with its extremely fine sprays of green cypress-like foliage throughout summer and fall. Ultimate dimensions of

Cucumber (Organic) Seeds – Marketmore

Attractive dark green cylindrical fruit up to 20cm in length. Continuous high yield throughout the season. Resistant to cucumber mosaic virus.

Carrot (Organic) Seeds – Resistafly F1

Carrot (Organic) Seeds – Resistafly F1 A carrot fly resistance and the F1 hybrid makes this variety a great carrot to grow! The Carrot Resistafly F1 is a Nantes hybrid with great carrot fly resistance. This carrot variety has a traditional long shape with a bright orange, well coloured hue and smooth roots. The Carrot

Weigela Plant – Nain Rouge®

This compact easy to grow dwarf weigela will provide interest throughout the year at the front of borders. Bright red tubular flowers that bloom from spring and into summer stand out against dense dark green foliage. As the flowers fade in late summer, the leaves spark into shades of red and orange. Height 50-60cm. Supplied

Cabbage (Organic) Seeds – Drago F1

Ideal for tasty mini cabbages. Attractive light green with pale white heart. Sow May-June, plant 40cm apart, harvest September-October.

Beetroot (Organic) Seeds – Rhonda

Delicious sweet flavour due to its naturally high sugar content. Uniform, intense red globe shaped roots, retaining a smooth texture grown to full size, but also suited for baby beet. Good disease and bolting tolerance. With over 15 million organic gardeners in the UK and the number growing year on year, we?re keen to support