Category Archives: Plants & Seeds

Peony Double Collection

The most glamorous of all garden perennials, Peonies bring an aura of heady romance into late spring and early summer borders with their huge, luxurious blooms and sweet fragrance. Despite their aristocratic looks, they are easy to grow, even coping with heavy clay soils. They are also one of the longest lived of all flowering

Airplant Argentea Medium x 1

Airplant Argentea Simple, trendy and tropical! If you want a simple and on-trend plant then look no further than the Tillandsia (Air Plants). Tillandsia are rainforest plants and naturally hold on to the branches of trees, gathering the moisture and nutrients they need from the air around them – hence the name ‘Air Plants’. The

Salvia Strawberry Lake

Dark stems of Salvia Strawberry Lake have a superb contrast with its green leaves. A superb new ornamental variety makes it ideal for a patio plant. Ruby-red, open flowers start from June through to September above a mound of attractive heart-shaped foliage, a delightful perennial provides a long flowering season for the patio, it looks

Petunia Back to Black

The velvety, purple- black blooms of Petunia ‘Black Mamba’ add an intriguing dimension to summer bedding displays. These compact, well branched plants boast eye-catching star-shaped flowers which is characteristic of the innovative Crazytunia Series. Fabulous vigour and excellent weather resistance makes these free flowering Petunias extremely versatile. Plant them in baskets, containers, beds and borders.

Narcissus Daffodil Spring Flowering Mix

Narcissus Daffodil Spring Flowering Mix This vibrant daffodil mix is a bright and breezy blend of spring-flowering daffodils that offer a variety of our customer favourites. These are ideal for packing pots on the patio full of spring colour, or producing masses of colour at the front of flower borders! For the most impactful results,

Dahlia Plant – Penhill Watermelon

A sensational variety with enormous Dinnerplate flowerheads! The blooms are supremely glamorous with curving, pointed petals in elegant shades of peach and soft pink. Dahlia ‘Penhill Watermelon’ is a free-flowering variety – just as well, because you won’t be able to resist cutting some for a vase indoors! This spectacular beauty is a great choice

Dahlia Cornel Brons

Ball Dahlias are always admired for their rounded, architectural flower shape. This variety is sculpted to precision with rolled petals in rich shades of coppery apricot.Dahlia ‘Cornel Brons’ makes a lovely addition to summer borders, forming neat, bushy plants. The long lasting, rounded blooms make magnificent cut flowers too. Height: 90cm (36). Spread: 45cm (18).

Nurseryman’s Choice Geranium Plant Collection

Nurserymans Choice Geranium Plant Collection Despite our best plans, we often have some surplus geraniums (pelargonium) plants each spring. We could pass them on to a wholesaler, but would much rather offer them to our valued customers at a heavily discounted price. These top-quality and value for money plants allow your baskets, borders and patio

Hardy Osteospermum Jacundum Compactum

These hardy African daisies are plants that survive drought and neglect and continue on to form a pretty mat of dense groundcover suppressing weeds. They will continue to flower continuously from June to October. Height: 15cm (6). Spread: 90cm (36)

Jasmine Polyanthum Plant

This lovely plant will arrive in bud, but within a very short time, it will bloom in profusion, releasing the most exquisite perfume to fill the air. This wonderful plant will flower again next year and will last for many years. Pot size 13cm. (Please note: White pot is not included.)

Lime (Citrus) Fruiting Bush

Citrus trees make superb patio and conservatory plants! This potted Lime will bring bright green fruits with maturity. with dark, glossy, dark leaves, dainty white flowers fill the air with a heavenly scent. The fruits may take up to a year to ripen but worth the wait, when harvested, Limes will keep up to 2

Seed Potatoes – McCain Royal

Another in the McCain range. Produces a very tall, strong plant. Yellow skin and a light yellow coloured flesh. Royal is an all-rounder, making delicious golden chips, crispy roasts and fluffy mashed potatoes. Ideal for bake, mash, jacket, roast, chips. Maincrop variety. We monitor weather conditions daily during critical periods and do not despatch when

Azalea Marilee

Azalea Marilee This deciduous azalea is a compact variety, its spreading habit and red flute-like flowers contrast perfectly with the bronze-tinged foliage. This reliable shrub is ideal for those acidic borders and containers. Height and spread: 50cm (18).

Gardenia Celestial Star

For exotic glamour on your patio, look no further than Gardenia ‘Celestial Star’. This hardy Cape Jasmine produces pristine white, fully double blooms with tightly scrolled petals at their centre.

Seed Potatoes – McCain Shepody

Potatoes are long and oval in shape with a cream skin and cream flesh. Good resistance to common scab and blackleg. All-rounder from potato gratin to roast potatoes. Ideal for bake, mash, jacket, roast, chips. Early Maincrop variety. We monitor weather conditions daily during critical periods and do not despatch when frosty periods are forecast.

Fuchsia Dollar Princess (Hardy)

This bushy variety bears a profusion of double purple blooms with contrasting cerise pink sepals over a particularly long period. The ruffled blooms of Fuchsia ‘Dollar Princess’ appear early in the season on vigorous, upright stems. This popular hardy fuchsia is well loved for its showy blooms and holds an RHS AGM for its excellent

Bidens Yellow Port Royal

A dazzling display of semi-double, golden flowers appear above the spreading feathery foliage of this showy Bidens. These undemanding plants are ideal for spilling over the edges of patio pots and hanging baskets. Like other modern varieties these plants are more compact, and less likely to become straggly over time. They make fabulous filler for

Asparagus Burgundine

Asparagus Burgundine has less fibrous lignin than most varieties this is a lovely new variety, enjoy it raw or lightly steamed! The purple stems are extremely attractive and produce a reliable harvest. Height: 150cm (59). Spread: 45cm (18). 

Stephanotis Floribunda On A Hoop 12cm Pot x 1

Stephanotis Floribunda On A Hoop An elegant tubular white flower with a heavenly scent! This vigorous climber makes an elegant focal point to a bright, warm room. Stephanotis floribunda is grown for its waxy, heavenly scented, tubular white flowers which fill the air with their rich perfume which is reminiscent of Jasmine. The blooms emerge

Asclepia Collection

Showy and extravagant the upright stems are topped with masses of golden-orange flowers,  attracts butterflies and bees to its nectar abundant flowers through summer. As autumn starts the flowers are followed by seed heads that split open to reveal seeds with silken white hairs, a superb hardy perennial for wildlife gardens with interest through a