Category Archives: Plants & Seeds

Carrot Seeds – Amsterdam Forcing 3

One of the earliest varieties to crop. Can be sown early under glass or in succession outdoors either in a container or direct in the ground. ‘Finger-like’ small, sweet, succulent roots. Ideal for salads or cooking. RHS Award of Garden Merit winner. 42 days from sowing to harvest (taken from our own trials and may

Geranium pratense Plant – Plenum Violaceum

A luxuriant display of double, violet flowers make Geranium pratense ‘Plenum Violaceum’ a sought after variety. This hardy Geranium is free flowering in early summer, above a mound of finely-cut foliage that provides excellent ground cover at the front of borders. Like all Cranesbills, this hardy perennial is trouble-free, reliable and easy to grow. No

Carrot Seeds – Rainbow Mix

These rainbow carrots will be show stoppers at your table! Suttons have put together a fascinating blend of carrot colours to brighten up meal times and get the kids to eat their veg! 90 days from sowing to harvest (taken from our own trials and may vary in different areas).  

Herb Seeds – Basil Floral Spires White

Compact, bushy plants, with aromatic foliage and scented white flowers. Ideal for windowsill, border or container.  

Cucumber Seeds – F1 Zipangu

Medium-long fruit with spiny, dark green skins and tasty flesh that is crisper and less watery, adding a real ‘crunch’ to summer salads. Also ideal for pickling. Good mildew resistance.    

Hebe Mrs Winder

Hebe Mrs Winder The Hebe Mrs Winder is a popular compact evergreen, hardy shrub bringing colour interest to the garden. Perfect for the sunny border, rockeries and gravel gardens where the soil is free draining. The new foliage emerges a dark claret-red, maturing to a grey-green. The bright red stems hold spikes of profuse purple

Cucumber Seeds – F1 Baby

Cucumber Seeds – F1 Baby The Mini Cucumber with great taste! Appropriately named the ‘Baby’, these min cucumbers are one of the sweetest tasting we have ever found on our trials. This very prolific grower is resistant to powdery mildew disease. The Cucumber – F1 Baby is a great source of vitamin A, magnesium, phosphorus

Cucumber Seeds – F1 Passandra

An ‘all female’ type ‘half’ cucumber with good resistance to Powdery Mildew, Mosaic Virus and Downy Mildew. Heavy crops of crisp, delicious, smooth, dark green fruits about 15cm (6) in length.

Cucumber Seeds – Mini Muncher F1

Cucumber Seeds – Mini Muncher F1 Cucumber ‘Mini Muncher F1’ is a female flowering outdoor mini cucumber that develops fruits at the size of 10-15cm with 1-2 per node. This variety is ideal for British summer weather, as you can get great fruits even if you live under colder conditions in your area. The mini

Cucumber (All Female) Seeds – F1 Bella

A superb cucumber with resistance to Powdery Mildew. Vigorous plant habit and heavy yield of long, slightly ribbed, quality dark green bitter free fruits. Also resistant to Target Leaf Spot and Gummosis and tolerant to Downy Mildew.

Electric Daisy Seeds

Developed by James Wong – Believe it or not, these pretty little daisy flowers have a big surprise – they taste like citrus with a jolt of electricity! Their fizzy electric buzz effect is like nothing you will have tasted before. Similar to popping candy, cloves, or a 9 volt battery, this unusual sensation is

Courgette Seeds – Courcourzelle

Attractive, striped fruit that is an old Italian variety with a sweet and nutty flavour. Produces smaller plants, perfect for containers and the veg bed. Productive plants crop all summer long, perfect to pick when 20cm long. Harvest July-September. Height 40-50cm (16-20); spread 50-60cm (20-24).

Snowdrop Bulbs – Common

It’s a sure sign that spring is on its way when these dainty little beauties appear. Ideal for naturalising, and also for cutting. Flowers February-March. Height 10cm. Bulb size 5/6cm. (Bulb sizes quoted in centimetres refer to the circumference of bulbs.)

Beet (Leaf) Seeds – Rhubarb Chard

Long crimson stems and dark foliage. An attractive ornamental plant in the flower border. A nutritious, delicious and ornamental alternative to spinach. (Roots not edible.) RHS Award of Garden Merit winner.  

Celery Seeds – Loretta

A first rate, vigorous, upright-growing, self-blanching celery, producing deliciously flavoured, smooth, succulent, mouth-watering white sticks! RHS Award of Garden Merit winner.

Cauliflower Seeds – F1 Clapton

An exceptional autumn cauliflower producing fine white curds that are well protected by leaves, and mature over a period of weeks thus avoiding a glut. Club Root resistant. A great edible to enjoy roasted or steamed.

Cabbage Seeds – F1 Sunta

An excellent round cabbage for use in salads and coleslaw. Can also be used as conventional cooked cabbage. It’s so sweet, even the kids will love to eat it raw!  

Brussels Sprout Seeds – F1 Crispus

Very well adapted to growing under stressed conditions, reliably producing good crops of smooth, dark green sprouts, that hold well. Pick from September to November.

Pepper Sweet Seeds – Rainbow Mix

A blend of mulitcoloured varieties to provide bright and vibrant colours on a plate. Ideal for greenhouse growing. Purple, red, yellow & green peppers    

Broccoli Seeds – Purple Sprouting Continuity Mix

Enjoy autumn and spring harvests of succulent, tender spears. Contains 50% Summer Purple and 50% Purple Sprouting.