Category Archives: Plants & Seeds

Swede Seeds – Invitation

A strong-growing, Club Root resistant swede which also benefits from Powdery Mildew resistance and improved winter hardiness over other varieties. Great beginner variety.

Swede Seeds – Gowrie

Swede Seeds – Gowrie Resistant to both clubroot and powdery mildew, Gowrieis very winter hardy due to the high dry matter. Perfect to use throughout autumn and into the new year from October to late January. This purple-skinned variety has good, firm flesh with consistent colour and very good taste. Gowrie is a variety bred

Squash Seeds – Tahiti Melon

– One of the original ‘Butternut’ squashes, rediscovered in California back in 1977. Sweeter in taste than most modern squash. Larger fruits (up to 5-10kg) with longer necks than modern butternut squash. The longer necks mean there is more flesh to cook with, plus they are easier to cut with a kitchen knife. Each fruit

Squash Seeds – Honeyboat

This wonderful heritage variety tastes just like a sweet potato but is easier to grow! Superb baked in the oven, and no need to peel as even the skin can be eaten. Attractive green stripes fade to orange as fruit matures, giving a clear indication of which to eat first. Can be stored for months!

Squash Seeds – F1 Crown Prince

Steel blue skin and bright orange flesh with a sweet nutty flavour, and averaging 3-4kg (6½-9 lb) in weight. The storage potential is excellent; it can be over 3 months if kept in a frost-free area with good ventilation. Trailing growth habit.

Spinach Seeds – F1 Rubino

A profusion of tasty, red-veined green leaves that can be picked from baby leaf stage through to mature plants. The fast-growing leaves are packed full of healthy antioxidants and fibre, and are ideal for salads or stir fries.

Spinach Seeds – F1 Comred

More productive than regular spinach, this is a versatile salad must-have, perfect as baby leaves or as a mature vegetable. The attractive red leaves have a mild mustard tang and they are highly nutritious and full of iron.

Shallot Banana Seed – Zebrune

Delicious, large, elongated shallot onion hybrid type bulbs that are brown-skinned with a pinkish tinge. Best grown in a sandy, well drained soil. Popular with TV and Michelin starred chef as it is easy to peel and slice plus retains its flavour well when cooked.

Rocket Seeds – Wild

A tasty ‘cut and come again’ rocket producing masses of attractive strong-flavoured wild rocket leaves. Ideal for salads or cooking, it can be harvested all summer.

Deutzia hybrida Plant – Perle Rose

Deutzia × hybrida ‘Perle Rose’ is a bushy, multi-stemmed, small to medium, shrub with pale pink flowers in clusters during early summer. Can be pruned after flowering to keep its shape in check. Height 200-250cm.

Radish Seeds – Rainbow Mix

 A blend of colours with different tastes. Easy to grow and colourful in salads. Harvest April-October.

Lettuce Seeds – Tom Thumb

Extremely early maturing, tight, solid, small heads with few outside leaves. Tom says: Quick and easy lettuces are many peoples first veggie crop. Try mixing red and green lettuce leaves to add a note of bitterness to salads, or try slicing up little gem lettuces and sautéing with peas and garlic for an alternative homegrown

Onion (Salad) Seeds – White Lisbon

An ever popular spring onion, very quick growing, with silvery skin and mild flavour. Sow in succession March-early May, and in August or early September to overwinter. No thinning required. RHS Award of Garden Merit winner.

Radish Seeds – Mooli

Developed by James Wong – Quick and unbelievably easy to grow. Crisp, peppery roots can store for winter use. Treat them mean and keep them keen! The dim sum favourite that’s as foolproof as a garden radish to grow. Tastes like: Turnip & radish. The mooli, the exotic oriental sister of the normal radish, is

Radish Seeds – French Breakfast 3

Solid, sweet, cylindrical crimson and white roots. RHS Award of Garden Merit winner.

Purslane Seeds

Developed by James Wong – Foolproof to grow. Unusual refreshing flavour. Continual harvesting during growing season. Succulent creeper with leaves that taste of mangetout and bramley apples.  Once a hugely popular salad vegetable in Tudor England, the ancient herb purslane is still a foodie staple all over the Mediterranean, from France to Greece, where it

Parsnip Seeds – White Gem

Specially bred by Suttons, Parsnip White Gem is highly recommended for use on all soils. Shorter roots than Tender and True, with fine, white smooth skin. An essential part of your Sunday roast! Considerable resistance to canker.

Parsnip Seeds – F1 Panorama

We all love a homegrown parsnip, and we have to say they don?t come much better than the Panorama Parsnip. This fantastic F1 vigour produces uniform roots, so it?s perfect for the plate and the show bench! Harvest October-March. Height 50-60cm (16-20); spread 50-60cm (16-20).

Onion (Salad) Seeds – Red & White Mix

Fast maturing spring onions with excellent flavour to liven up summer salads. Contains 50% White Lisbon and 50% Apache

Parsnip Seeds – Warrior F1

Parsnip Seeds – Warrior F1 Parsnip ‘Warrior F1′ proved to be a fantastic performer during its time at the trial grounds and is a British bred variety. It grows flavoursome, chunky, gradually tapering roots that measure up to a whopping 28cm (11”) in length. However, if you prefer even larger roots, just leave them to